break my music to pieces!!!


New member
need some feedback on my 2 tracks, good,bad, love it, hate it what ever. I just like to keep my music in perspective.

sexy gurl- didnt really like the beat to it..but the flow was nice..sound like you used a yamaha Qy100 or something to made the beat..

WALK WIT ME- better beat..flow still nice..i think you need to raise your level up some on the vocals..

other then that pretty good flow...IMO
bknot1 said:
sexy gurl- didnt really like the beat to it..but the flow was nice..sound like you used a yamaha Qy100 or something to made the beat..

WALK WIT ME- better beat..flow still nice..i think you need to raise your level up some on the vocals..

other then that pretty good flow...IMO

i actually use reason 3 to make beats, use to use the mpc2000 xl and an alesis keyboard. but i turn digital( not sure if thats bad or good) nothing personal but im going to take that comment not as compliment yamaha Qy100 "sound like you used a yamaha Qy100 or something to make the beat.."
i have no problem with honesty! :)

vocals sound too low??? hmmm i'll try to raise the vocals. see what happens
I think the "Sexy Girl" track def needs a better mix on the beat. I think that would make it much nicer...

I like "walk wit me" but the mix needs tightened up.

You have a good voice and flow.

Theres just somethin goin that takes away from the tracks, not sure what it is... Maybe too much in the mid range and upper mid range freqs.

Good stuff tho...

Hows your recording enviroment?
johnnypraze said:
I think the "Sexy Girl" track def needs a better mix on the beat. I think that would make it much nicer...

I like "walk wit me" but the mix needs tightened up.

You have a good voice and flow.

Theres just somethin goin that takes away from the tracks, not sure what it is... Maybe too much in the mid range and upper mid range freqs.

Good stuff tho...

Hows your recording enviroment?

Bingo!!! you just hit it on the head! my recording enviroment sucks!!! i live in manhattan nyc, and my room faces the bizzy side of the street. aways background noise and cars passing by, not to mention my pc is a fucking roaring machine. but i have to deal with it, because my place is very small. but thanks for the feedback. what would you do to tightened up the mix ?