"brandy" covertune

"Brandy, you're a fine girl, what a fine wife you would be...."

That one? Looking Glass, 1972.

A good pop listen. Backups at first come in muddy, otherwise, good pop listen.
those changes in chording made for a realy nice arrangement, and the break was smoother than the original...nice stuff....gibs

Cool idea doing this cover... I like it!! :)
Thanks for putting the "r" in the word "north". It always bugged me that the original singer sang "noth of Spain".
Okay, so it's anal, but that bugged me!
I also liked the way you changed some of the phrasing on certain lines... it fit this version nicely.
I heard those hand-claps, too... that was kinda cool!
The only thing I would do is bring up the lead vocals and fatten 'em up with a little EQ.
I would also add some vocal-plate reverb and a bit of stereo-chorus to the backing vocals. Try putting the reverb to about 26 and the chorus at around 9 or 10. (I have the same unit, so you know what I'm talking about)
Other than that, it sounds great!

kelly...good ear on the back ups coming in a little muddy...i'm not sure if it was my singing technique or just not enough compression, but they did clip a little right at the beginning of each phrase...bugged me too...but good ear!

buck...i used the small room reverb cranked up to 127 on those back up vocals...is there a "vocal plate" setting?

i didn't have any more spaces to add a chorus.

i use the pitch corrector on the lead (a must)..then i used up the other three spaces with the onboard compressor, the enhancer(love it!) and the one reverb or delay choice du jour...but maybe i will change the reverb over to the vocal plate. the handclaps were an afterthought..i had the extra tracks and just figured WTF! kinda cheesy...but hey, sometimes cheesy is just what it calls for! Otherwise, there was stereo electric guitar through j-station with stereo chorus, one track of acoustic through sm58 and joemeek vc3, and the everpresent $150.00 crappy bass through the joemeek as well...

thanks again for listening, and by the way, that homestead site i posted on was easy to get into...it was free and gives 15MB of storage. uploading and design were a breeze, i would recommend it to anyone looking for free webspace..

onr final thing...what is a "good pop listen"?
awww shucks...thanks! (i hope you just didn't mean that you absolutely hated the original!)

thanks again for the positive feedback...i'm out in the middle of the country and don't have any musician type friends to bounce stuff off of...

well..you've inspired me to go down and try another cover...i'm going to do "danny's song" and it should be up by the end of the weekend...i'll post it then...