Brand new tune! This should rock you proper!


New member
Hi fellow diehard home recordist! I've been back down in my studio writing and recording and recently (Monday) got together with some friends of mine and recorded this -


I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out the lyrical content, if you're into lyrics. It does have a double meaning, so I won't get into that.

This was done on a 1680 and mastered in Wavelab. I'm interested to see how it translates on other peoples systems because a friend told me it was too bass-heavy, and another one said it was just right... Geez, I hate trying to please everybody!

Thanks and peace!

Nice job, very impressed. I Don''t know about it being Bass heavy, listened to it on my AL PC speakers and on my 20/20's sounded great on both. It is dark sounding which I suppose can be called bassy, but that is the sound you are going for. I say it sounds great Keep up the good work.

Force, Power, Warning, Unabridged adrenoline.
This song has a lot to it. Very complete and well recorded.

I don't hear the "bass heavy" thing at all.
I was pissed when it ended cause I wanted to sing along some more.

Made me want to put my acoustic away, grab the electric axe, and write a purging, piercing piece myself.

Nice mastery of the delay and amazing backup vox.

Gotta go, my amp is warmed up.


P.S. Did I mention that I liked the song very much?
Much thanks Bassman! I'm glad you listened on different speakers too. I monitor on Event Tria and sometimes it seems a little difficult to get accurate low freq response, probably due to my room. My mixes often turn out bass heavy, probably because I like that sound, but when not careful it can turn to mud really quickly! Thanks again!

Thank you too, theron! Thanks much, you're right, we were all feeling mixed up here lately, and we wanted to write about the 9/11 events, but without being blatent about it. We did seem to let off a little steam during the session. Writing music like this is a release valve for me. After the session is over, and the guys have left, I can mix and mix for days. I added the chorus-y guitar the next day, and worked a lot to get the backing vox to sit in the mix.

Thanks and rock hard!
Loved the dirgy quality of the guitars.Great grinding!
Just a couple observations:
1:The snare sounded a bit muffled.Could use a bit of high end
2:The lead vocals seemed a bit too present.Seems to me they should be pulled back slightly,and a bit of reverb added.The backing vocals were superb and quite Beatlesque in the part at about3:00
3:I loved the delay used occasionaly on the vocal.Nice touch.
Very nice work!!!
I loved it!!!

Bass heavy? definitely not on my ns10ms.

I dont think its dark either.

I just think it very energetic and overall very good.

This is great. Don't sound to bassy to me. The vocals could need some control, they jump out at times.. Backing vocals are superb.

Very good song. Very good sound.
Thank you all for your insight and comments, guys. I am relieved to hear that the bass response translates well across different monitoring situations, and will definitely take everyone's comments into account when remixing, especially regarding the lead vocal. I'm trying to get it to sit just right. At first I had it too low and someone commented "I can't tell what he's saying." (note: how many times have our parents said that? LOL)...

Mucho appreciation folks! :)

That blew me away ! I can't stop listening to it. Great work. On my $50 pc speakers w/sub, the song was balanced perfectly to my ear. I can only hope to nail a piece like that. Give us some more please. Peace and Rock, Silver

It was good to be properly rocked! As far as the bass sounded like the bass guitar could be better defined and tightened with the kick drum to attain that seamless "kick you in the chest" feel. Right now the kick and bass still sound seperate to me in the mix and make things a little too crowded in the low end with the heavy sustained guitar. I'm listening (twice) on Monsoon speakers with a sub woofer.

Nice vocal performance and effects. The lead vox struck me as just a tad too thin. I would've liked to hear a little thicker breathier sound on the lead vocal to go with the thick heavy sound of the tune in general (although maybe that's just a personal preference).

Took a listen to a couple of tunes at your IUMA site (which I guess are a little "older"). I thought this tune was an audible improvement. Nice work!
thank you.

for saving me from listening to the other mp3s on here. funny how real drums sound good :rolleyes:

not too much bass at all, this is one of the more top recordings i've heard lately in here. It has A LOT of verb on it, just reminds slightly of how music is turning into 80s arena rock sound again.

i find the snare buried in reverb at times, and at other times its just great. I like the ending.

Love it!!! Nice to hear some original music that has FEELING in it!!!!
Like the transisition around the 2:40 mark. Nice vocal work for sure.
Mix is solid....CHANGE NOTHING!!!

Love the line, "you know I felt the steel and it tore into mu soul" killer shit for sure.

Guess if I was gonna find something to suggest (you know us guitar players are ALWAYS gonna do this hehehe) a melodic morphing into a ripping guitar solo at the end.

I'm keepin this tune to listen to some more. Well done
Thanks very much guys! You made my day! I am definitely planning to write and record some more with Dave. I love his vocal style, we just have to find some time between our schedules.

Silverhammer - will let you know as soon as we have some more recordings! Thanks.

MAC2 - Yes I agree that the bass guitar could be refined a bit. I'm now hearing it slightly muddy up some sections (not all) Honestly, I never even EQ's that track. It was recorded direct and run through a compressor patch in the 1680. I DO want to make slight EQ changes on the lead vox too, and Dave has expressed that he would like to make some minor changes in a couple of phrases. And yes, I do consider this a vast improvement over our older material. Considering the amount of time I've spent recording over the last 2 years, it should be! LOL

kristian- thanks man, yeah I laid on the verb pretty heavy on the snare. I usually don't use that much, but felt the song needed it in this instance.

TheStickman- Change nothing, huh? Don't know if I can keep from doing that! LOL. I thought seriously about extending the solo into the last chorus, but decided not to at the time. I think I recall that I felt it would just hide other parts like the vox, or the riff. I am holding out that last note, but it may be interesting to see what it sounds like with some ripping during the end. Thanks for the inspiring words!
