Brand new Trinity Project


New member
Hey everyone , just finished up another track its called "Queen Of My Heart" and it is on .

This was another one day write , track , record , mix project. All you hear was done by myself.

Guitar is tuned to an open drop A sounds pretty neat ;)

No amps were used , just a pod xt live , I have a jsx but took the lazy way out.
Drums are mapex
Bass is peavey
Mics are cheap ....
mindprint preamps with creamware 5.0 setup ad/das

Let me know what you think

The Trinity Project
Love the song, and you have a great voice.

I'd cut out the first couple seconds where all you hear is hiss before the guitar comes in. Also pan the toms and cymbals if you can, and that will really open it up.

I would also add some more low end on the distorted guitars and kick. I'm listening in bass-sensitive headphones so it might sound different, but in any case I feel like I should be getting more of a woof on those kicks. I'm using Logic Pro 8, which comes with a sub-bass plugin that would really help the kick.

Also the snare is a little masked - really compressed, but not always present. I wish I could give some good advice for it, but honestly I'm in the exact same boat with my snare sound right now. Anybody else got tips for us?

Except for the fact that you're a way better singer than me, this is sounding a lot like my mixes are. I'd like to read more thoughts on it.
Thanks for the info man , yea getting that snare sound really there is something I find difficult especially in my situation where I do not have much in terms of sound re-enforcement.....