Brand new TASCAM DP-02 CF


New member
I just received my brand new TASCAM DP-02 CF 8 track recorder and i have no way to monitor the sounds!

Ive figured that this is what i need to connect my computer speakers for monitors:

On the adapter, the RCA jacks are black and red, and the line outputs on the recorder are red and white. Does the colors matter? The left is white and the right is red. ( on the recorder )

I wish i had someway of monitoring the sound. The electronics store in town are out of stock of the adapter till next Wednesday! And god only knows how long it will take for the rebate to take effect and get back to me...

ANY IDEAS? thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks! Im sure i will enjoy this one!

Yes, they do plug into the wall for power, and there is a sub woofer that im guessing has a amp in it. On the back of one of the speakers it reads " Altec Lansing powered audio system "

My Aunt is picking me up the adapter piece right now!! YAY!

So hopefully these speakers will work with the multi-track.

Heres a link to the speakers that i have.


Didn't the Portastud come with the free mic and headphones? Did they come in the box, or are they a mail-in deal?

I've scoped out those speakers. They have a 1/8" stereo jack in-built to plug in an extra input, as well as hooking to your 'puter. (Advertised as "Ipod input"). Get the RCA-to-1/8" Y-cable adapter and you should be able to just plug in the DP02cf. Don't you have any common headphones with 1/4" adapter just lying around the house?:eek:;)
Yeah, its a mail in rebate deal! :rolleyes:

But, it will be worth it...

We use to have some headphones like that lying around but Ive looked everywhere!! Cant seem to find any, so im going to just wait for the mail in rebate ones....

Actually, i took the recorder into the living room where the old family stereo system was at and fiddled with it sum and got a sound source from my guitar, to the recorder then out with 2 RCA cables. then into the stereo system. not the best sound at all! But will work until i can afford a pair of monitors.

Any ideas on the best but cheapest monitors. I will need a power amp right?


Im messing around with the recorder right now! havent recorded yet due to lack of equipment..
?Any ideas?

Im only experimenting with the multi-track. Just trying to record a little something and play it back

Im doing everything it tells me to do in the owners manual to record. Arm the track etc. and i know im getting a signal from my guitar because i can see it on the LCD. But when i try to play the track back, nothing happends. I hear nothing.... Any suggestions as to what im doing wrong? Any help greatly appreciated!

First, you have to assign the Input to the Track.
Next, you have to arm the Track to record.
Set the levels so you see the signal on the A or B input and the target track.
Press Rec/Play, do the recording, then press Stop.
Press REW/Stop to go to 00 postion, start of track.
DISarm the target track.
Bring up the Channel fader of the target track and the Master fader.
Press Play. You should see the signal on the target track and Master L/R LCD readout.
Your track should play back thru the L/R Stereo RCA outputs or phones.
Simple? I don't think I missed anything.:eek:;)
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How do i assign the input to a track? I dont see anywhere on the interface that lets me do that. Could you perhaps explain more in detail as how to assign the track? Thanks a lot.
Oh! I got it now thanks! I would have never knew how to do that. I never saw that in the manual. I mean, i saw where you had to arm tracks but not assign them.... anyway, i have begun recording and will post some mixes when i get some down! You know where i can get the USB 2.0 cable for transferring tracks?

Thanks a lot!

also: I have subscribed to but i cant seem to find where i would upload tracks at. Can i upload WAV. files?

Thanks in advance! =] i cant seem to find where i would upload tracks at. Can i upload WAV. files?

Thanks in advance! =]
Soundclick dot com "Band Administration" (musician/band account not listener account). Upload MP3 files 128kbps max for free account. No WAVs.:eek:;)
I love this thing!

Im having so much fun! I have some drum loops that i got with Sony ACID and im putting guitar and eventually bass and vocals on!! That 300$ was well worth it!

Im trying to take track 2 (guitar) and pasting it into track 3 so i can have more pan options.... Or will i have to just re-record the guitar? Thanks for any tips!

Oh! and i cant wait to get the usb 2.0 cable for extracting and importing!

There is "clone" track from one to another. (Check manual).

There's also "double-tracking" (rerecording technique) of a track to thicken it up.

There's recording tracks in stereo onto 2 tracks simultaneously.

I'm not sure what you're really after.

You just record subsequent empty tracks after one track is full.

Total of 8.:eek:;)
Thanks! Ive made a pretty decent mix i guess you could say...

I have a music page on myspace if anyone is interested in taking a look/listen. Everything thats on the page (MUSIC) was recorded with audacity, and not to mention a very shitty microphone. So bear that in mind while listening. THESE ARE NOT THE BEST RECORDINGS =]

But i am uploading the TASCAM mix right now. It should be up in the next 30 mins or so..

and Enjoy!
Yeah, now you're getting the hang of it!

I think you could stand to nudge the levels up on your "master" track a little.

I've found you can just "tickle" the tops of the meters when tracking and mastering, without causing undue distortion. Just don't slam it. You can also "flicker" the OL LEDs on the inputs a tiny bit, without anything bad happening. You may have to experiment with it a bit.

Notice your Audacity mixes are much louder than your Tascam mix.

Alright. Rock on!:eek:;)
Do i nudge the levels up on the master track by pushing the master fader up a little while doing the mastering process?

I have recorded another song of mine with the DP-02 But i cant upload them to myspace because the file size is to large! Any recommendations? because i cant seem to find anywhere on to upload tracks... and my tracks are WAV. files and i dont know how to convert them to other types...

Oh, and what does phantom power really do? I can barely make out any changes to a track i recorded with it and a track i recorded without it...

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For those of us that are Tascam owners, I have a DP-02 that I've not used that extensively, but have posted here a bit and also found a Tascam Operational Support phone number to have been VERY helpful.

323-727-7617 press 3

It's in California so be aware of PST

Merry Christmas and Happy recording to us all ! :)