br8 data to Yam2816

John LaGreca

New member
My buddy has a Roland BR8. I have a Yamaha 2816.
If we collaborate on some tunes, can I get his tracks onto my 2816?
If so, how?
Thanks, folks.
If you are in the same physical space, you can send a track at a time via the br8 stereo outs. This sucks for big projects because of the tediousness but it can be done. maybe someone else has a better idea?

Yo John: [13.2]

You can take the complete mix of the BR from CD into your 2816 and then add what you want.

I often run a CD background track, music, into my 2816 and then add a vocal. The 16 bit sound is great.

I'm not sure if you can link the units to sends individual tracks to individual tracks.... Hmmm. Maybe Yes or maybe NO.

Why not just do all the tracks on your 2816 since you have 16 of them and the BR only has 8?

Happy Halloween
Green Hornet:D :D :p :p :p :cool:
Thanks guys!
Hey GH-
My reason for 2 machines....... The BR8 guy is the singer/songwriter. He lives in a house and can sing and strum as loud as he wants. Being that our schedules differ he can record his tracks at his own convenience.
I do the extra guitar and bass tracks. I live in a condo so volume is an issue. If I need to do anything on the loud side I can do it during the day when the neighbors are at work.
SO if can work this out- good for me!

Keep those ideas coming!
Yo John:

I also live in a Condo but have no problem doing stuff as I don't record a live band in my studio very often.

You can mix your friend's work with your work, use the monitors to set the mix and then everything else is "silent."

I can actually burn stuff at 2 AM and not bother anyone since I've set it all up at an appropriate time when setting the levels and tweaking do not shake up my neighbors.

So, if you input your partner's part into your unit and set the levels, add your stuff, set the levels, go ahead and mix down using low level volume on the speakers to set it up; then, shut off the speakers and listen in on the cans -- you will have it made.

Green Hornet:D :cool: :cool: