BR-8 Punch In


New member
Here is a brief run down of how the "Auto Punch In/Out" feature works.

If you dont already know what "Punching In" is. Here is a breif scenerio.

Your recording you guitar part. EVERYTHING sounds perfect except for that one part where you totally hit the WRONG. Well instead of recording the WHOLE thing over and risking more mistakes. You can just Punch in.

Heres what you do:

Locate the part on the track where you want to record over it. Set the "In" location at the beginning of the part. Then set the "Out" location at the end of the part where you want to record.

Then click the ON/OFF button next to the AUTO PUNCH IN/OUT.

Rewind a little ways past the "In" point.

Start recording. It will only record within the In/Out points you selected.

I hope this makes sense.

I don't think you could explain it better. I have been doing it with the foot switch. I have been wanting to use the auto punch and I guess nows the time, I will post on what I think of that feature. Cheers,
