BR-8 didn't quite do it. What does?

Keith L

New member
At first glance I thought the BR-8 was everything I was looking for- low cost, easy to use, digital editing, etc. I decided against buying it for the following reasons- 1)no XLR input, 2)100 Meg zip drive doesn't hold enough, 3)optical output limits CD burning ability. Now, the question- does ANYONE make a portastudio thats 1)easy to use, 2) has digital editing on-board, 3)has direct CD burning ability (built-in mastering software would be nice), and doesn't cost as much as the GNP of some third world countries? I looked briefly at the Roland VS880ex, but I've heard the learning curve is pretty steep. Plus, by the time you add all the pheriferals, it gets pretty costly. Any ideas? I'm all ears... Keith
I have the Br8 and im happy with it. If you optomize after finishing a ong you can get more space and unless your recording violins you dont MUST record on the "premium quality" level. There are two more options that will gove you more time depending on how many tracks you use. You may wanna look at the KORG D8 . It has an internal had drive and you can record something crazy like 6 hours at a time. Like the BR8 yuo can only record two inputs at a time so if youre recording solo that shouldnt matter. As for burning a cd , im not sure but i would guess yes, It runs about 795 i believe and it supposedly a step up from the BR8- (looks harder to use though)