BR-8 COSM Effects...on my Amp ??..I need help please.


New member
Hi Gang,

I need help. I have a Boss BR-8. I've had it since they came out. I'm very happy with it and have used it quite extensively.

Here's my issue:

It has a COSM guitar effect called "Delayed Lead". It's an awesome tone I use quite often for my solo's when I record direct with the BR-8. I want to be able to duplicate that sound and tone when I play with my band and go through my amp's ( outside of the BR-8 environment)...

how do I achieve this ?

I looked up the "patch" settings for this tone and how the set up was and this it what it shows:

Guitar> Compressor> Preamp Sim(Metal)>Speaker Sim(metal)>EQ>Noise Supressor>Pitch Shifter>Delay

Each effect had it own set of settings which I noted, but does this mean I need all these pedals to achieve this sound ? I have some of them.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions would be appreciated.


About all you can do is use your ears and try to reproduce it with what you have. Maybe Roland or Boss makes an outboard effects unit with the same DSP chips?
Yes, you would have to duplicate the virtual amp & pedal setting. This ruined me because I didn't use any effect pedals while gigging but I did use effects on my demo songs. I ended up buying a Fender Cyber-Twin so that I could have effects, if I used any on a song. For some songs I created presets in my Cyber-Twin that mimicked the settings in the BR-8.
Thanks for the replies. I bought a Vox Valvetronix Digital Modeling Amp 2X12 for this reason - to avoid a bunch of pedals. All the pedals including modulation effects plus 16 different pre-amp choices are all built in to the amp - real nice but I still can't find that "delayed Lead" sound that I get on the BR-8.

I then called Boss direct and asked them. I was told that there is nothing out there to duplicate the COSM effect except the GT-6 effects pedal( I have one of those too) and the ME-50, both of which do not include this particular "COSM" effect....sigh.

I was also told that I would probably need to set up a bunch of pedals that the "patch setting" shows for the BR-8 to get "something close"....but it wouldn't be exact.


Remainily frustrated.

another question....

What is a Pitch Shifter ? What does it do ? Is it like a Phase Shifter ?

What does a noise suppressor do ?

I see the noise suppressor used a lot it pedal set up's - is it an essentail pedal to have ?


You should be able to close with your Vetta. Did you access the effect patch chain to see the values are? This is what I did tp create patches.

A noise suppression pedal will filter any un-wanted hum from your sound. I play Strats and sometimes get hum from ground loops or neon light, I'll set the noise suppression a little higher than usual. The downside is that some notes won't decay because the noise suppressor will 'cut' the note off.

Pitch shift changes the pitch of a note, an example is the bass COSM effect that lowers the pitch of your guitar to sound like a bass guitar. Phase shift is close to chorus but still different sounding.
Boss Guitar effects with AMP


I suggest plugging your Br-8 directly into your amp via the phono outs on the rear panel into a jack adapter to the inout on your amp. Turn everything down on your amp and to begin with in case you blow yourself out the window. I've done this and achieved the same patches live and it sounds great to have the COSM coming out of your amp. This application may not be practical for gigging though. In this instance a Roland VF-1 sounds like a good option midi ed into its GF footcontroller - you can set up your patches and control them via the pedal board - nice and straight forward. Anyway give it a shot and see what happens.
Cheers form spirit!