Bounce to new track, out of synch

undrgrnd studio

New member
I have Audition 2. Suddenly whenever I bounce all files to stereo, the result is an out of time mixdown. I am using 4 BUSes, 1 VST plugin, and a couple built in plugins. I have mixed down plenty of files without ever encountering this before. The only thing new is the use of BUSes and the VST. Any ideas?
I have the same problem in AA3. It doesn't matter if I'm bouncing in stereo, with or without effects, whatever. I've even tried bouncing a single dry clip.
The resulting mixdown is always a fraction longer than the source clip(s). Of course, that makes it impossible to create accurate loops. I've messed with every option I can think of under Multitrack setting, but to no avail.
Btw, I never had this problem in CEP. Whatever was in the original clip got bounced exactly down to the new track.
I am suddenly having this exact same problem with Audition 2.0. I have tried re-installing Audition but all bounced mixdown are offset by ~0.1 seconds.
I'm playing around with different configurations and I found that the problem only occurs when VST plugins are on ANY of the buses the track sends through (including the Master bus) or there is a VST plugin on the track itself. I have tried re-installing the VST plugins, but so far no progress.