Bought a Rode NT-1


New member
Just wondering if there's any danger in leaving it permanently hooked up on mic stand in the open with the phantom power turned on.

I never know when I'm going to use it next so I hate having to remove it from the cupboard, unwrap it and set it up just to do vocals.

Can I just leave it set up permanently??
I don't know about a specific danger, other than the mic not last as long. If I were you, I would at the very least, turn off the phantom power and place a sandwich bag over the mic to keep dust from settling on the diaphragm.
I've heard of people doing that with tube mics, to save the strain of powering the tubes. I think it was in Tape op that I red this, and he had a couple of mics that hadn't been turned off in like 20 years.

But with something like the NT1, leaving it on won't help anything. Just turn it off. And like was already suggested cover for dust protection
Now that we're getting into winter, humidity might not be an issue. But it can be if a condensor is left out all the time... Moisture may tend to build up on the diaghragm. Not good.
It's not really going to hurt, either though. There's nothing that's particularily likely to "wear out" in an NT1 from leaving it on.
Whatever you do, though, leave it plugged in if you have it out in the open (reglardless of whether phantom is on or not). This keeps the capsule grounded which should prevent it from electrostatically attracting dust from the environment.
Congrats, nice mic! The instructions are pretty specific regarding protection from humidity - store the mic with the dessicant near the capsule. Your mic, so it's up to you, of course :)

I have a rode nt1 and nt1a, which I find t be extremely versatile, dependable mikes. However, I am also lazy, and hate technology getting in the way when I want to be creative. What this means is that there is always one or other of the rodes sitting on a stand, powered up, pretty well all the time and ready to go. I realise I am running a risk, but the room is atmospherically (and acoustically) friendly, and the rodes are as resilient and responsive as when i got them. I prefer to run this risk so that when I get inspired to record, the inspiration is not squashed by having to go through a setting-up ritual