Boss ME-70, stage compatible?


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking at getting the boss ME-70, as my band write things with a lot of different effect s and I don't want to spend a fortune on pedals. So I was wondering:

Are the save-able presets on the ME-70 easy to change between? For example, could I just bend down and press one button to go from one saved set up to another between songs if i want a different set up in each song?

Thanks guys!
Look, not to be too simplistic about this, but that's what multi-effect foot pedals are FOR...

And you don't lean down and fiddle with anything, you do it with your feet. I use its big brother, the GT10, live and I don't bend down and play with it, I just shuffle between banks and patches with a foot...

So,.. yes.

I'm not familiar with the ME70 but you usually can arrange things in banks of patches for songs, sets etc. to make it easy - what it doesn't have is a display that has letters however, so you have to remember what the numbers mean.

Get the GT10 is my advice.. they're all cheap as chips these days and you can at least program song/patch names into it and it has more of everything.
Another novice question

Thanks, I was wondering, and i'm sure this is most likely the case, but is it possible to use the GT-10 without using a preamp? so just clean over your amp?
It's a modeller - "using a preamp" doesn't reallly come into to. There are a zillion clean settings you can use based on its models and I'm pretty sure you can find a bypass, although I haven't looked.