Boss DR-670 + MIDI


New member
I have a drum midi track and I would like to play the midi file and record the audio coming out of the DR-670 on to an audio track.

I am able to do this in Cubase, but I only get sound from the first preset. I can't change drum kits. Anyone know how?
Oops... I figured it out. I need to go back to the screen where it has the Pattern # <------ PLAY MIDI

Hey Zaphod,

It's not working. And it's not in the manual how to do this. What I do is write the drum score out in some software, export the MIDI file, import the MIDI file to Cubase, and try to have Cubase control the DR-670. However, everytime I first start to play the track, it defaults to the kit on preset 1; I can change the kit while its playing using the knob on the DR-670 or by changing the "prg:" number in the MIDI controls in Cubase. As soon as I rewind the transport, though, it resets to back preset 1.

What am I doing wrong?

Well, I wasn't doing anything wrong. The program I was writing the drum tracks in was embedding controller/program changes in the MIDI file itself. I'm able to fix it by editing the file through the List Editor in Cubase.

What a pain... but mystery solved!
All you need to do is set the DR to a pattern that doesn't have anything in it. By default, I believe the user patterns start at 200, so unless you've created that one, just set it there and let her rip! If there's something in there you don't care about, just clear that pattern.
Hey sp_clark!

Thanks for chiming in. I did try that, but it would still set the kit back to preset 1's kit. I know... strange. I'm programming the drum track in note numbers, and the software was embedding controller/program changes in at the beginning of the file. Why? I have no idea. Like I said, though, a quick edit in the list editor makes it all fine.

Thanks again,