Bluesy New MP3 Post... Please listen.

X, that's okay about the rant. I like what you had to say. Thanks a lot! You've really made my day.
Sounds excellent Teddie! I read all of the posts while it was downloading and thought, "Teddie's voice on blues, yeah I guess it would sound ok." I could only imagine you singing rock. But when I heard it, it really is a natural for blues. As always, I like the harmony you threw in there. I like that kind of stuff. Good job man!
CMiller! Where have you been bro???

Man, I'm glad you dug it. Yeah, that was my first blues song that I've ever done... I really had a fun time singing it. Actually, I had to do a lot of retakes because I would crack myself up into chuckles and laughter when I was singing it because I was trying to be soooo cool... Like shooby-shooby-doo cool-cat right here...
I've been here Teddie, but was still unable to download music. Actually I could but I'd get booted offline before anything finished. But hopefully I'm back for a while longer.

I'm just happy to be able to get my fix of new MP3's!
Hey Teddie, just got through surfing Darker shade of Blue is in at #78 on the blues-rock charts. Congrats man, nice harmony at the end too, forgot to mention that in my original post.
Damn that's good and mooseboy are chartin' and Recording Engineer's getting airplay.....home boys goin' pro is a gas!!!....y'all better not forget all us little people now :D .....gibs
CMiller, yes, must... have... mp... three ... z ... must. I've been having problems with the mp3 streams lately. I dunno.

Ray J, really? #78? I should check my other stuff and see where it's at. Cool! Thanks about the harmonies at the end, that's my favorite part of the song. I've gotta fix something I've noticed with the vocal/guitar blend part. The right channel has the guitar and there is some funky, unnatural distortion happening... Like low end saturation or something. I'm gonna fix it. Thanks for letting me know where "Darker Shades.." is in the charts. 2cool.

gibs, eh, I'm not goin' nowhere. I love this place... but THANKS!
Hey, ya tried the panning thing! I'd like to hear a version with the pan a little more subtle... but that _did_ seem to help keep 'em from stepping on one another.

I noticed you updated Morning Light too. I only had a chance to A/B the beginning so far. What changes did you make there?
pglewis, hey bro. I actually remixed A Darker Shade of Blue tonight... I tried something different with that vox/guit part. I definitely think I panned too hard on that like you said, so I fixed that in a different way than just reducing the panning... I also redid the guitar on that part, because I noticed that the guitar sounded like it was thwacking due to overload, but it actually wasn't... it was the preset I set up on my pod... it would distort in a funky way... It was driving me crazy... I redid it and I really like it better... I really hate when I listen to one of my songs and there is a part that makes me cringe everytime I listen to it...

The change I did to Morning Light was I cut the low freq on the guits a little bit to make room for the bass, umm... what else... I upped the drum level a tiny bit... and I normalized the song's level to match the level of the other songs on the CD. Before, when the song would come on, I had to run over to the stereo and turn it down... :)

Ray J, hey I checked my rankings for specific genres this morning... here th'are:

* Which Way? is at #25 for Alternative General
* Thunder on the Mountain (I can't even find it... haha!)
* The Dream is #16 for Grunge
* A Darker Shade of Blue is at #59 for Blues Rock
* Morning Light (Again, can't even find it...)
* All I Live is You is #141 for Acoustic... ugh.
pglewis, dang man... I'm having problems uploading to, so you might not hear the difference... I'm going to try and upload again... I'm at 56k and the file is 4 something mb's... I'll start the upload again and go to sleep... Let me know if you hear the diff.
I don't think it's changed yet. Either it didn't upload, or the new version hasn't been updated on all the servers yet. Gimme a holler when it's there, I'll be sure to give it another listen.
pglewis, should be updated by now. I checked the low-fi stream (well, cuz I'm at 56k... ugh) and it was the new version. Let me know.
Yup, you did it. I'm not sure what you did, but I can make out both parts much better.

Gimme summa dat! *postures for high-five*.
pglewis, *high-five* connected!

What I ended up doing on that was, I put the vox right in the middle, no pan.
I duplicated the guit track and panned the two hard left and hard right, then cut a tiny bit of the left track out before the guit started to play so that the two guit tracks were a little out of sync...

Thanks for listening and for the virtual high-fiver :)