Blues cube hot, boss drive version


Boredom artist
I just picked up one of these, got it used from GC. After messing with tubes and attenuators for a few years I wanted something that’s reliable and has a consistent tone. After some dialing in I got a real nice clean. There’s a boost mode for a crunchier sound that I haven’t messed with too much yet, but it sounds a bit heavier than the standard hot I heard in demos, I like that.

I haven’t tried it in a recording yet but I really like how it plays- it makes the guitar easier, that’s usually how I know I’m digging a sound.
I have the original BCH. The GC model, based on the video, sounds a lot grittier/crunchier. Not what I usually need, so the older style, Bassman-based amp suits me, and I've got a pedal if I really want to push it past where it can go with the built-in boost. But, I'll take one for a spin next time I go to GC to kill some time.

I absolutely love my amp. Lightweight, and so friggin' loud I can't believe it. I've never turned it above 15w even in a jam with a loud drummer. Haven't been playing electric for some time for various reasons, but turned it on just a couple days ago and was reminded how nice it can be. I'm sure you'll be happy, especially once you spend some time really twisting knobs.

P.S. The post I did over in the User Contributions has a little bit of recording of that amp in the 0.5w setting, all controls just straight up, because I was simply recording the mics, and not trying for anything. I usually scoop it a bit, and run the volume up a hair more. And usually not on 0.5w!
I have the original BCH. The GC model, based on the video, sounds a lot grittier/crunchier. Not what I usually need, so the older style, Bassman-based amp suits me, and I've got a pedal if I really want to push it past where it can go with the built-in boost. But, I'll take one for a spin next time I go to GC to kill some time.

That recording sounds great, pretty similar to the clean tone of the boss version. I wonder if they're only different in boost mode?

I love the sound of it just breaking up, like in your recording. I wanna get a chorus pedal and I think I could get some great psychadelic/rock kind of stuff out of it.
Hey Nick, congrats on the new amp. The Fender didn't work out for you?

Hey Robus, yeah I sold the Bassbreaker, I just couldn't make it work for me on anything but clean channel. It was noisy, dull, and muddy on high gain. This new amp's based on the same Fender as the Bassbreaker though (I think-
Bassman) and I really like the sound, so I dunno what was up with it.
...This new amp's based on the same Fender as the Bassbreaker though (I think-
Bassman) and I really like the sound, so I dunno what was up with it.
The original was a Bassman tonestack but the video I saw said this GC-spec'd one is KT66 based (think early Marshall, or maybe a little more DrZ flavored these days).
Hey Robus, yeah I sold the Bassbreaker, I just couldn't make it work for me on anything but clean channel. It was noisy, dull, and muddy on high gain. This new amp's based on the same Fender as the Bassbreaker though (I think-
Bassman) and I really like the sound, so I dunno what was up with it.

That's too bad. I never have played through any of the Bassbreaker amps.