Blues 4U (Third Level)

Nice mellow jam.

To my inexperienced ear, everything sounded pretty well balanced.

The drum fills seemed a bit stilted...
The drums are not good in this. They sound too fake. get a real drummer or find a kit that sounds more like drums. The lead guitar is good, and stands out in the mix. I like the song alot. I very mellow cool jam. Is there actually someone on the piano.. cause it sounds awesome.
I'm finally getting a listen.
I like the drums, but thats just me.
Maybe it's the beat I actually like.

This is the kind of mood piece I expect from you now.
The wah guitar is a nice touch in there.
Very enjoyable listen, thank you.

1. The drums - we are havong a "real drummer" come in the next couple of weeks to replace some tracks in need. This wasn't one of the songs I had in mind, but I'll give him a shot at it. I'm open to trying anything.

2. Piano - yes, that's my playing on the organ, synth, and other keys.

3. Wah guitar - that wah guitar piece (the slow one) is not a guitar. It's me on the Korg N1R using the Yamaha S80's pitch bend and mod wheel to trigger the wah. I think it cam out very nice.

As always, Rob plays the lead guitar, but on this one, I play the acoustic guitar in the background.

Pretty cool tune with some nice instrumentation.I thought I was gonna get the regular old blues chord progression when I clicked on the title of the thread.LOL....very moody little piece of music.....nice playing on all the keys and the guitar.....I dont like the sound of the drums but I DO like the parts that the drums are playing....if you can get a real drummer to learn these beats it would sound great....kinda has a fleetwood mac drum feel to it the way the toms are played.Good job.