Blue Tube DP - Recording Vocals - need tips


New member
Any tips on what settings and plug-ins I should use to record vocals. I am using pro tools, a digi 002, blue tube DP to warm up the sound (not sure how to use it properly because I just bought it today), and a Blue Bluebird microphone. How do I achieve a warm and full vocal sound for rock and how do I achieve a good sound for rap? Please help!!!

I'm sorry I can't give you a big info filled answer but it's really all about experimenting.

There are two gain knobs on the blue tube mic pre. One is going to make the sound fuzzier and warm sounding. resist the temptation to overdo it :)

Other than that, just experiment until you find something you like.

Also, don't get me wrong, getting it real fuzzy might be a cool effect here and there.
Thanks for the tip :-) I will just have to do that and find a nice middle I guess. I was originally making it a little too fuzzy which was cool for about a half of minute. I just want a nice warm vocal sound. Thanks
The Bluetube will allow you to dial in "warmth" which is actually tube based noise. It simulates, less accurately as you dial more, some of the perceived "nice" colourations of old valve recording technology.
Use the preamp to get the right signal strength for the gear THEN experiment with the noise component.
Please not that is you use that preamp for lots of things in the same recording you'll be, effectively, layering in lots of the same noise and that can become quite problematic.