Blue Bear question about your ADAM's


New member
How are they working out?? and

Where did you get them?? In Canada. I am just curious I kinda wanna hear them in action...I am takin a trip to Steve's this weekend and was wondering if they had them there..Thanks

Hi Geoff,

You can't get them at Steve's - at least not the S-series... and they don't keep the P-series in stock. I got mine from Studio Economik in Montreal.

You're welcome to drop by the studio to check them out.... a couple of other guys on the forums here have dropped by to check 'em out already....

Contact info is on my site if you want to arrange it....!
Thanks for the offer. I may just do that. I'm curious to see what a John Sayer's studio looks like live. Thanks

Cool...... to how the ADAMs are - "stunning", "amazing", "in-fucking-credible", "like putting a microscope over the tracks"... all come to mind!

My berry truths started smoking and smelling like electrical fire the other day...I am Good stuff I figuired when I buy I might aswell make a very informed decision and buy once...errrr twice
Every single person that's come by to check 'em out (about 6 or so, now) seems to leave with the same two impressions -- 1) that their ears are now spoiled for whatever monitors they're currently using, and 2) that they'd be the last monitors one would ever need to buy!