Black Bird -major overhaul-

mark skinner

Active member
Hello , I thought I'd have a go at a song every acoustic player I've ever known learned at some point.
This is quite a different take on the normal guitar parts. I'm doing it in Eb and using more jazz oriented chords. Yairi and a high strung Aria Pro for the acoustics. Ibanez bass , brush drums and Cello. It's still a mix in progress so any ideas for improvement will be appreciated. Thanks .. mark
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Hello , I thought I'd have a go at a song every acoustic player I've ever known learned at some point.
This is quite a different take on the normal guitar parts. I'm doing it in Eb and using more jazz oriented chords. Yairi and a high strung Aria Pro for the acoustics. Ibanez bass , brush drums and Cello. It's still a mix in progress so any ideas for improvement will be appreciated. Thanks .. mark
I love the jazz chords, way cool. Excellent acoustic sounds, Well done Mark!
Things generally sound pretty good. It's a really unique version and I like it.

Vocal sounds nice. I'm wondering if there is a way you can smooth out the delivery - at least in the verses. In the verses, it's bit too "stilted". I don't know if that's the right word to describe it or not. But the delivery during the rest of the song was smoother and was nice.

The acoustic guitars are just a bit crispy. Maybe just a gentle EQ nudge down centered in the mid-2Ks might help. I think with an EQ move like that, they'd sound excellent.
@Eric V - Thanks Eric , it sure would have been easier to do like the original but I enjoyed hunting the chords.
@TalismanRich - I appreciate that .. Not sure about what Sir Paul would think though ..
@Serendipity Records - Thanks for the feedback 👍I addressed both issues this morning. I already had the cello part boosted but backed it off before exporting. Didn't trust my ears ..
@TripleM - Good suggestions. Thanks .. I think the guitar EQ problem was coming from the high strung guitar. I removed a boost I had in the highs. it sounds better balanced now. I believe "stilted" describes the verse vocal tracks perfectly , and I agree. The vocals really didn't turn out the way I had envisioned them. I played around with them a little this morning but , I think I'm going to scrap all of the vox tracks and start over. It will probably take me a while to post a remix with new vox. I'll probably post one with the other changes tomorrow.
Thanks ... mark
That is strange... I just clicked on it and it shows up with the screen with the play button next to the Like, Playlist, Share buttons, which then pops up a player at the bottom of the page. I'm not signed in or anything. If I try the "Free Download" it asks me to sign in , but not for playing.

As a matter of fact, in the player window, I can pull up a list of 34 of Mark's songs.
That is strange... I just clicked on it and it shows up with the screen with the play button next to the Like, Playlist, Share buttons, which then pops up a player at the bottom of the page. I'm not signed in or anything. If I try the "Free Download" it asks me to sign in , but not for playing.

As a matter of fact, in the player window, I can pull up a list of 34 of Mark's songs.
I’ve tried a few times and I can’t get in? Dang.
The link now reflects a mild remix. I made quite a few small changes , added a little vocal shadowing and dropped the first quiet section out of the intro.
I'll probably live with this mix and get away from it for a while. I normally get a better final after not listening to one for a few weeks. Thanks ...mark
@Scott Baxendale , try going to page 2 of the songs and click on "Fiddle Worm" and see if it works. (SoundClick) again ..
Hello , I thought I'd have a go at a song every acoustic player I've ever known learned at some point.
This is quite a different take on the normal guitar parts. I'm doing it in Eb and using more jazz oriented chords. Yairi and a high strung Aria Pro for the acoustics. Ibanez bass , brush drums and Cello. It's still a mix in progress so any ideas for improvement will be appreciated. Thanks .. mark
Very different approach to the song - I like it - don’t dislike the strings exactly - they are kind of restrained like the vocals - I have to listen a few more times - the harmony echo verse is really cool. BTW the drums on Fiddle worm are exceptional.
Hello , I've done a remix that I'm calling final. Something's been missing and I thought the song was pretty dull . I've added an electric guitar that led to other edits. I think it's got more energy now and not so boring.
Thank's for the listens and the Great comments and suggestions .. mark
@Scott Baxendale , Thnks for the listen and reply. The slight 1.2k boost was an Ozone suggestion. I've been mixing with new room correction software and I'm not yet fully dialed in. I'm liking it a Lot , I just keep forgetting to turn it off when I bounce or ezport. I thought my monitors and room sounded pretty decent until I did all the the measurements. Never realized how muddy my lows were and the missing clarity in the highs. I've been depending on Ozone for the final EQ print for a while . I'm getting much closer now with the ID Reference plugin.
@subvibe , Thanks for weighing in. I just now listened to this with earbuds. I didn't think it sounded Too bright either. I do think it just sounded "bad". I listened to your last song with the same pair of crappy earbuds and your song sounded "nice". I know you normally mix with earbuds. I guess I need to get a better pair. What buds do you use ? I at least need to check my mixes with them .. Thanks ... mark
Hi @mark skinner
i have a few earbuds & headphones that are expensive but i always go for these cheap AKG earbuds
i think its a case of learning the characteristics . I found that i had to tame the bass a bit & that seemed
to solve most issues .. the AKG ones are really cheap & i think i got them with a Samsung phone
i cant find the exact model but i think its these link here earbuds they only cost a few $
ironically i prefer these to my Tannoy near Fields & Iloud near feilds

I don’t think I could ever trust a mix on any earbuds I’ve ever had on. Only since Covid, when I had my studio in an apartment, have I begun to use headphones on a mix.