Biting the Bullet

Sir Dingo

New member
I finally did it....I bit the bullet....I needed to update some pieces in the studio & I had my eye on a few units, so I jumped. I purchased:

1 x iZ RADAR 24
1 x LA2A
1 x distressor
2 x RNC 1773
...and a pre-loved Yammy REV 5 (always comes in handy)

The RNCs came today. :) Now it's a few more sleepless nights before the RADAR and the other stuff comes....

I'm real interested to see how this stuff will affect workflow, sound and ultimately, the final product.

Just wanted to tell girlfriend doesn't really care about this stuff :p

Sir Dingo said:
I finally did it....I bit the bullet....I needed to update some pieces in the studio & I had my eye on a few units, so I jumped. I purchased:

1 x iZ RADAR 24
1 x LA2A
1 x distressor
2 x RNC 1773
...and a pre-loved Yammy REV 5 (always comes in handy)

The RNCs came today. :) Now it's a few more sleepless nights before the RADAR and the other stuff comes....

I'm real interested to see how this stuff will affect workflow, sound and ultimately, the final product.

Just wanted to tell girlfriend doesn't really care about this stuff :p


if your looking for more insight for what to get or the current gear you've purchased go to this site

This is Home recording most people's setup doesn't even cost as much as the La2a let alone the radar !

Like bear said definitly looks sweet, but how are you gonna mix? Transfer the radar to a computer? or do you have an out board mixer...thats the only thing I see missing...besides mics and monitors.
Sir Dingo, you made some great choices! Is the LA2A a vintage unit, or a new remake?

I have a couple Distressors with Brit and stereo image link mods, and I find them to be one of the best buys I've ever made. Very versatile compressors, I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of them.

I've also always liked the REV5 very much, although I did sell mine a while back. It's one of the few pieces of gear that I get occasional "sellers remorse" about.
Yes I'm already using an outboard console.

Blue Bear I've already heard some nice things about the KSP-8 too. Do you have one?

Sonic Al. Re:LA2A - It's the new UA version. I found too much inconsistency with the vintage units I tested. Some "sounded" amazing, others were simply old. Pls tell me what you've been using your distressors on...any particular preferences yet?

The REV 5 I got because of it's bang for the buck....I used to use a REV 7 many years ago and I was always impressed by the "richness" of the reverb; it always sounded so pure to me. When I saw the REV 5 going cheap, I couldn't say no ;)

I also have a KSP-8, with the remote. It's a great box, you get used to having 8 busses of fx very quickly! It's also nice in that you can put together chains of effects on each buss. Even if you consider it four stereo busses, it replaces more than four stereo fx boxes because of the chaining.

So far the Distressors have been a standout on drum submixes, bass, and guitars. I've also used them on synths though too, and liked that as well. They are very versatile boxes.
Blue Balls I definately recommend the Distressor. There are some purist snobs out there that knock but it is highly flexiable and really does sound good. I own one and use it quite often (alongside technically superior compressors) and may purchase another. I cannot even put into words how great the Millennia equipment is. I don't own any peices of it but I sat in on a friends session about a month ago (great way to check out different gear) at a studio that recently acquired the Millenia pre's and the I think it was 4-band eq with two parmetric bands if I remember correctly. I especially dug the eq, it is fucking awesome. Really good. I mean really good. If you can afford it get it. Both signal paths are amazing. I will purchase the eq unit (I'm set on pres) after I pay off a few longstanding bills. Seriously dude shop around for a nice plate reverb. They are fairly cheap right now and sound great. I mean they kill any digital reverb I have ever used. If you have never heard one try to find a studio that will let you check one out. If you are in a budget situation check out one of the old Lex reverbs, I think the model number is the 280L or something like that. I haven't used one in quite a while so I don't remeber specifics (I think its not even 16bit) but it goes for under a grand and it kills the Lex stuff like the pcm91 (which I own), 90, 80, 81 etc. and sells for less than any of these units. I have also started coming to a point in my life where I realize if you work professionally and can afford take the plunge buy new gear. Take it from someone who has experienced more than my share of downtime due to equipment failure. (fucking ampex!) There is so much decent gear being manufactured now (Millennia is a fine example) that I think it is wise to limit your purchases of vintage equipment. The amount of trouble older equipment can cause leads directly to downtime, more money, and most importantly it shakes the confidence your clientelle may have in your skills.