BIGTIME annoyance.. mic buzz..

without a trace

New member
okay please help me out here, i'm begging any of you experts...

i've been recording myself for a while now... just guitar and vocals through a SM58 mic... the overall quality is great but there's this god damn buzzing sound in the background... when i turn the volume up on the preamp it just gets worse...

BUT when i touch the mic/mic stand anywhere it's TOTALLY gone... then when i remove my hand.. buzzzzzzzz....

my amateur mind thinks it has something that has to do with grounding.. but thats as far as it goes.. it's really getting on my nerves. i don't know what to do... suggestions/resolutions pleaseeee...

fyi.. from my mic i record through a presonus firepod in cubase LE..
One Quick Question

Are you touching your guitar strings when you grab the mic? Also, try another mic cable. There could be a break in the ground connection to your mics housing. In that case if you were touching your guitar strings when you grab the mic you would ground the mic in the process.

No, that should not be happening on a balanced mic connection. At least not at normal gain levels. How's the main signal compared to the noise? An open ground?
Strange that touching the mic stand would affect it, if you're using the usual plastic Shure mic clip with the 58.

What is your signal chain? What souncard (assuming you're recording to PC)? I'd also guess it's a ground loop problem, likely due to a bad cable. Try changing cables (mic to pre, pre to recording device) first. If possible, try swapping out the mic, pre and recorder one at a time if that doesn't work.

If all else fails, connect an alligator clip jumper cable from your nostril or lip to the mic stand to eliminate the buzz while you record. :D
crazydoc said:
Strange that touching the mic stand would affect it, if you're using the usual plastic Shure mic clip with the 58.
Makes you wonder if much of the original signal is getting through, or some out of sight gain...

If all else fails, connect an alligator clip jumper cable from your nostril or lip to the mic stand to eliminate the buzz while you record. :D
:p Had to laugh. I used to carry a anti-zap junper clip around in the back of my 'Twin.
No, not to my lip alright.