big sounds small bucks


New member
I just got the new NI express keyboard (small version of b4, fm7, pro53) for 100 buck
pretty cool for price and sounds- reduced sound manipulations ability but lots of preset that can be modified. me and my neighbor are putting it to good use
check it out if you don't have the bucks for full versions
bat63 said:
And check this out too:


If you think this is a great board, why don't you start a thread rather than posting the same link in every thread on the forum? You could explain what's so amazing about it and why you think we should all own one. :(

tedluk,the number one reason in the world for EVER purchasing a keyboard,is the sounds.Everything else is either a bonus or dead weight.

Have you listened to the mp3 yet?

If you do,then *my* words won't be worth a darn thing because this keyboard speaks for itself quite sufficiently.

And at $495(Sweetwater) for the EXR-3,it absolutely roars!

bat63 said:
tedluk,the number one reason in the world for EVER purchasing a keyboard,is the sounds.Everything else is either a bonus or dead weight.

Have you listened to the mp3 yet?

If you do,then *my* words won't be worth a darn thing because this keyboard speaks for itself quite sufficiently.

And at $495(Sweetwater) for the EXR-3,it absolutely roars!


Yah, I listened to a few seconds. Didn't overwhelm me. Everybody's demos sound great.

And there is a lot more to a module or keyboard than the sounds. For instance, I just sold a Novation KS Rack because, though it had awesome analog sounds, there is a major problem with the voice stealing algorithm which causes pops and clicks when used multi-timbrally. I've also sworn off Roland gear because, although their technology is often brilliant, their implementation is quite frequently very weak and their documentation is nearly useless. I have a JV1010 that is supposedly multi-timbral, but it's so complicated to operate that no one can figure it out. The sounds are also theoretically editable, but good luck getting that to happen.

I haven't even considered other factors like keyboard feel, software bugginess, support, MIDI implementation, cost or reliability- Great sounds aren't much use if the keyboard is in for repairs all the time.

While I agree that the sounds are extremely important, they are not the only consideration nor, necessarily, the most important one.

On top of that, there are plenty of keyboards out there whose presets sound great, but that's all they have, and they get old and tired quickly. Then there are units who don't have great presets, but, with good programming, can be induced to create wonderous textures. I've seen boards that, on their own, don't sound like much, but when added into a mix fit perfectly and others where the opposite was true.

Bottom line is that you've posted that link at least 5 or 6 times in answer to every question, regardless of, and without even asking, what people might need. I just think if you're that jazzed by the keyboard, why not start a thread and tell everyone ONCE why you think it's so wonderful?

Do you own one?

My .02. You can do whatever you want, of course.

I shouldn't have to ask "what the people might need"....

After all,they asked *first*....

and I just responded...

btw,what is your age...?

because you sound so *burnt* out...
bat63 said:
I shouldn't have to ask "what the people might need"....

After all,they asked *first*....

and I just responded...

btw,what is your age...?

because you sound so *burnt* out...

I guess dealing with people like you can have that effect.

The only thing "burnt" are all your bridges with others here, but I'm sure you don't need them anyway.

good luck to you.

I admit, I really don't post that much....but I do read a lot on this forum...and that dude is getting annoying REALLY fast! must get some 'kick-backs' or something for every post he makes. peace to all those people that are out there to really help!