Big problems with my terratec 6fire


New member
I just received this card yesterday and so far, not so happy.


1.2 ghz Athalon
640 Mb
20gb WD hd

I can't seem to get a decent wave file recording with my guitar for the life of me....
I'm plugged in through the line in port on the back of the card,

mixer settings:
ASIO = 512
DMA Buffer = 10msec
Line input = on

software settings:
Buffers = 9
Buffer Size = 512
Recording Depth = 16/44
Apparent Latency = 26ms

attempted 16/44 recording into Wavelab Lite, but got nothing but a garbled distorted static mess when I played it back. Same problem in Sonar.....

I never had this problem with my audigy 2.

Any ideas?

Are you recording electric or acoustic guitar?

In the past, I have quite successfully DI'd my electric guitar straight into my Terratec EWX 24/96 sound card. However, the output is fairly low and had to be boosted with the mixer.

Check your DMX 6Fire mixer settings. You should have a choice with your analogue in of +4dB and +10dB. Try each of those in turn. From memory I had to use +10dB to get a reasonable signal.

Ensure your Terratec mixer's output doesn't have the signal bouncing in the red though. That may be the source of your distortion.

Also remember in Sonar to run your Wave Profiler.


Hey thanks for the reply.

I should've mentioned, I'm running my strat into a Digitech Genesis and then into the soundcard...... so amplification isn't really an issue.

I was able to tweak the ASIO/buffer settings to a manageable level, so it helped alot, but for some reason, when I run the wave profiler, it says my latency is still around 14ms. But in the mixer settings, it say's I'm considerably lower (3.5ms). Which one is right?

BTW, do you have any midi experience with these cards?

First up I'm no electronics expert so I'm probably way off base here. :) Have you compared the output sensitivity of your Digitech Genesis to the input sensitivity of the DMX 6Fire? That could be another source of distortion. I couldn't tell you what to look for, you'll have to ask someone who understands that sort of thing.

When it comes to the two latency values, I really wouldn't know who to believe... But I'm quite sure though that you could tell the difference between 3.5ms and 14ms.

I don't have a MIDI instrument if that's what you are asking, but I do compose MIDI tracks using Piano Roll View in HS2002.

As a last resort, you could contact Terratec's Support people and see if they can offer you a solution.

I'm sorry I'm not able to solve this for you. :(

Problem solved....

Needed to tweak between the buffers in Sonar and the DMA and ASIO settings in the control panel..... everything is crystal clear now.
Also was able to try out the WDM drivers in the Sonar softsynths using Edirol VSC plugin......they work slicker than snot......

This Terratec card is pretty damn good sounding after all.
Just needed a proper setup.

Well worth the money.

That's excellent news my man!

And you did it without any help from me :) Good onya mate!
