big latency problem with cubase


New member
i have done following try :
i placed a microphone in front of my monitor speakers , and then i recorded the audio-click of cubase.
now the problem is that when i look at the audio track you cann see that its not in time , but the bigger problem is that there is no system where cubase places the audio track , that means in one project its 22 millisecond behind in a nother 33 milliseconds in a nother in the first an dthe second track its 10 milliseconds behind and in all other tracks 28 milliseconds.
i hope you see my problem , cause i use vst-instruments an real ones together and thats horrible!!!!!!!
i you a toshiba notebooke with a emagic2/6 soundcard.
the computer is doing really well.
please help and share your knowledge with me cause this is really serious!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sebo,

Let me first say that I am not a technological expert, but I have been where you are and thought I might offer some suggestions.

1) Exhaust your professional resources first. By that I mean, contact technical support, both Steinberg, and the maker of your audio interface.

2) Revisit your system settings. Let me know which operating system you are running. Then we will take it from there.

3) Ultimately, if your computer doesn't have enough horsepower, there are some settings within Cubase which will allow you to remove a large part of your latency issues. I'm referring to Disk buffering and managing memory allocation.

With that being said, I'll take a quick moment to give you a synopsis of my similar issue.

I used to complain of clicks and pops. No one had an answer for me. Then, through trial and error I discovered that when I allocated less memory for Cubase, thus removing the latency issues, I encountered clicks and pops during playback. Then I noticed that when I allocated more memory for the program and audio interface, in my case MOTU's 2408 Mark II, the clicks and pops went away, but during recording the latency increased. I too use virtual synth technology, mainly reason and sampletank. So, I have now tried to reach a happy medium between the two, the two being clicks and pops during playback, and latency 'hearing' during recording. I have this down to a science and generally do not have many issues unless I have a huge project going with many audio tracks. Of course you realize you must get rid of 'junk' in your terminate stay memory like, zone alarm, or other antivirus software, email, etc.

Again, I'm no expert, but you are not the first to experience this issue. Also, search the forums for other opinions and fixes. Unfortunately, there are so many manufacturers of IBM clones that chipsets vary along with other hardware components. These variances, the cheaper components that is can create problems as well. Ultimately though, I say provided you have a reasonably equipped computer, you should be able to complete successful projects.

Good luck and take care,
Sal Crocker
Big Ben

With my problem with latency I installed a program called big ben previously and couldn't find it. Can anyone assist?