BFD or DKFH with Cubase?


New member
hey guys I just got my firebox, and love it!!!!

But anyway I was wondering about getting one of these drum programs to replace my Boss Dr.Rhthm 3..

I have been using the midi key map editor in cubase with the lm-7 drum module, and have gotten familirar with the program process. I was just wondering if these programs are similar to using that, and how well do they work with cubase LE and vst plugins?

any advice would be great....
Well, don't know the exacts as to want you want, but I have DFHS, and it is pretty cool....several kits, and you can use different mic'ing. It gives you the raw tracks, and you mix them up just as real drums. Pretty intense, and I definitely am not an expert, but have been happy myself. I'm fortunate enough to get to collab with a real drummer now and then, but that also keeps my drum mixing skills pretty poor. If you want to mix real drums, it works well though.

BTW, I use Sonar, and just draw teh midi with a mouse.
Dogman said:
Well, don't know the exacts as to want you want, but I have DFHS, and it is pretty cool....several kits, and you can use different mic'ing. It gives you the raw tracks, and you mix them up just as real drums. Pretty intense, and I definitely am not an expert, but have been happy myself. I'm fortunate enough to get to collab with a real drummer now and then, but that also keeps my drum mixing skills pretty poor. If you want to mix real drums, it works well though.

BTW, I use Sonar, and just draw teh midi with a mouse.

thanks man, so i think i will be able to just do it like you do with the midi map thing...

Are the drums transpoted to your program? So you have the specific drums in Sonar, like the kick, snare etc as a sepertae channel, or is that just done through DFHS the program, and just read by the midi file in Sonar