Beyer tgx 180


New member
Anyone ever used one of these?? If so, what are they good for??
I had ebay fever and bought this sucker cheap($60.00)-impulse buying at the end of a hard day :). Just been told I won it and now trying to find out if its any good. nothing on the net about it that I can find. But beyer seems to have a pretty good name with mics from what I've read so farI'm geussing its an older model (pre opus series). Just wanting someone to tell me what a genius I am and that this is an awsome model and that I've picked up an absolute bargain.......
now had a play with this mic.Sort of sounds like a 58 but with even more detail/sparkle. Just tried it through a dmp3. great for vocals, not so good for snare as it has a wider pickup pattern. kinda good all rounder though and should prove usefull for mic amps etc as well.Also got a reply to an email sent to Beyer and they could tell me that it cost the equivalent of 140 euros in 1990. So I,m geussing that this was a pretty expensive mic in its day. The one I have is in perfect condition and looks like hardly been used which is unusual for a mic that is well over 13 years old. great score from ebay for 60 bucks.
beyer TGX-180

Hi there - it's a good mike, I bought one on 48th street in NYC in 1995 for $200. The story was that Sting was using them on tour. You got a great deal, bud.
That's a great vocal mic, exactely from the '90. Honestrly I don't know why it is so underrated but... better this way. Clearer and more detailed than Shure 58, I think. It also would be good on amps when recording. And if you want another famous feedback here you can see it, it seems to me that Nirvana used those mics in MTV Unplugged. ;) see it on youtube.
Have a look and have fun with the mic! Great deal!!! I hve one, found one NOS for 150 euros for live gigs.

:guitar::thumbs up:
I love it when a great mic turns up on ebay for next to nothing.
Moresound must have been sleeping haha

I'm picturing that mic museum, but there's one little dusty empty plinth with TGX-180 written below it.
Henry's just looking on, wiping away a tear, shaking his fist over that late '03 nap.
