Best way to get from VF80 to Computer


New member
Using the VF80. After composing and getting everything set (effects and channel levels etc.) I then simply go out of the VF80 via the two stereo outs into one stereo jack into the computer's line-in on the soundcard.

The soundcard is what came with the computer which is a Gateway and was purchased in 1999.

I then play my recorded music while recording it with software such as Sound Forge or whatever I happen to find that works simple enough. Then "normalize" it, then I use another program to take it from .wav to .mp3 for emailing and burning.

The files sound "ok" but, a lot of times the bass is way too over the top, and other times it will sound thin or muffled. There is also a "hiss" that I can't seem to get rid of.

I "EQ" it and add effect within the VF 80 of course prior to sending to computer.

Is there some good simple bettter software that I can use?

should I upgrade the soundcard?

Should I upgrade the computer AND the soundcard?

Am I, in fact, sending it to the computer in the right way?

Please advise.

Thank you for your time,
The best way for the best quality is using the Fostex CD-1A CD-R/RW burner.The VF 80 already has an an internal bay thats just waiting for you to install it.;)

Once you get it burned onto the CD you can then put the CD in your CD-ROM drive on the computer and go from there.

Another way to transfer to puter is to utilize the VF 80's SPDIF In/Out by upgrading your soundcard to something like a Terratec that has SPDIF Input/Outputs on it.
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Thank you,
I am aware of the built in CD Writer etc... I had it, and then returned it. For the price it is easier to just go directly into the computer.

So Instead of the stereo outs into the computer us the SPDIF outs to an upgraded soundcard???

thanks again
gtrplayer_1966 said:
Thank you,
I am aware of the built in CD Writer etc... I had it, and then returned it. For the price it is easier to just go directly into the computer.

So Instead of the stereo outs into the computer us the SPDIF outs to an upgraded soundcard???

thanks again

The way you are currently going into your computer is defeating the whole purpose of staying inthe "digital" realm.You are going "analog" as soon as you go into your computer souncards normal input.

Thats why the burner is preferred if you are truly concerned with sound quality and staying in the digital realm.The SPDIF will allow you to stay in the digital realm also as I mentioned.

I would have kept the burner but thats me.CD's are a cheap even if you do just get one song at a time onto CD.It ultimatlely comes down to sound quality.
AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I C Clearly now Watson!

You have cleared MANY MANY questions up for me my friend!

Thank you so much! Hmmmm....Hence the bad quality in the computer! I'm now in the market for a nice sound card. I'm hearing a lot of good things about the Delta on that's on musiciansfriend for 99bucks. reg like 249 or something.

Thanks for the input!

gtrplayer_1966 said:
Thank you,
I am aware of the built in CD Writer etc... I had it, and then returned it. For the price it is easier to just go directly into the computer.

So Instead of the stereo outs into the computer us the SPDIF outs to an upgraded soundcard???

thanks again

man you are SO wrong here, the CDRW will allow you to burn all your tracks (yes...all 24 of them) as .wav files onto a CD. You then load that up into your PC and simply import them into your mixing program.

You can then do all your mixing and effects to the tracks in your PC which is a much easier process IMO than on the vf80.

You can also archive all of your tracks and songs onto CD in one pass. Try doing that track by track - song by song into the SPDIF port of a'll go nuts!

And if all you want to do is record your stereo mix downs into a PC, you are still better off burning them as 2 wav files onto a CD and transferring it to the PC.

I would not have a vf80 unless it had the CDRW built in!

yep yep yep...

I think tube is right you can just transfer on cd and if your willing to upgrade card and computer why not go the burner route and then you just run straight to disk not analog back to digital. That's like the one legged man in that wonderful contest!