Best voice tool?


New member
Hello all, I am looking for something that will let me edit my voice and maybe make it a little thicker, with as many options as possible. It needs to be a product which I can use for recording to my computer and that can be used in a live situation in front of others. I need a little chorus on my voice but I don't want something that will make me sound like a chipmunk or robot.
Those of you who use Sonic Forge 6.0 may know what I'm talking about. You know how Sound Forge has chorus, delay, echo, etc, well I need hardware that can make my voice do that. (Unless it is possible to somehow feed my voice through Sound Forge at a live performance and have it add chorus or echo in real-time.)
Oh yeah, I don't have a lot of money soo uh yeah...Thanks in advance. Links are greatly appreciated.

Well, there are certainly effects units that are out there that can do all that. That is where the idea of making plugins to mimic these effects & processors for digital applications came from. Compressors, multi effects units, delays, reverbs. I know they are there, but I’m sure I’m not knowledgeable enough to recommend anything specific. After all, I own (and use) an Alesis 3630 compressor :D:D. I’m sure someone would be able to help. It would probably help if people know what your budget is though. :)
Ohh uhh thanks

I just got back from a big surprise trip by my parents. Sorry I couldnt reply til now. Well thanks for the comment. I have about $300 but I am still interested in seeing more expensive items, too. After all, I can save up. Thanks and once again sorry for the late reply.
you are looking for an outboard effects processor.

now are you also looking for something that will do pitch correction as well?

like the hardware version of the autotune?

look on ebay for an old alesis quadraverb (cheap) or a lexicon (less cheap).

i've got a quadraverb that i use for live shows. if the sound man doesn't have anything in his rack, i pull the old quad out of the gig bag.
MightyPOOsticK said:
Hey cool Jagular...what part of Tennessee are you from?

I live in Franklin, but I'm a transplant (like a lot of people in the Nashville area are) ;) :D. You live in TN?
Check this out.

I've heard it in the studio, and it sounds great. Even without the pitch correction (which I bypassed BTW) this box is an awesome addition to any studio. The mic modelers are great for fattening up tracks.

The unit also has dual outputs, one normal and one "doubletrack" that you can record both and get that doubled vocal effect without all the extra hassle.(didn't try it though)
Hey CrossStudio, I've been looking into this quadreverb processor and thinking of picking one up for live acoustic gigs through a PA. If I end up spending around $75-$100 on one am I getting a decent unit for my money? I dont have much to spend at all, and I just want something that will keep the vocals very natural sounding and not overprocessed at all, but just a bit of reverb or chorus would be nice to fatten up the sound here and there in an acoustic solo type setting. Thanks ...BJ