Best value soundcard


New member
I'm looking at buying a new card and have been recommended a delta 44 . I have also seen a hoontech C-port which is cheap. bit more than the 44 but it has 8in 8out 2 pre's midi and digital i/o.
Is it rubbish or worthwhile?

delta 44!

m-audio soundcards rock

(heh sorry for the big amount of info in this, just stating my opinion based on research and i have a 66 and its amazing)
Delta series are great cards.
44 good 66 better.....66 also has s/pdif the 44 does'nt
Dont know about the C-port, never had one.
I have a review on that hoontech DSP24 Value. Comparing against other consumer soundcards and it has the worst THD of any of the cards reviewed. I'b probably be better off with my sblive platinum!
The worst THD is on anything in digital audio is still inaudible. It's a useless statistic for anything other than cassette decks. And your SB Live will sound the exact same as any other card you buy. It's a matter of features with soundcards and compatibility issues.
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Is there any point in me getting a hoontech dsp value then?
i have 8ms latency with asio in cubase (hacked aps drivers- thay are great!)
Well, we're always going round and round about the 16 bit versus 24 bit recording thing. I personally don't think anyone can tell the difference between them and that an SB Live sounds great at 16/48. But the Hoontech will allow for 24 bit recording if you wanted to try that. I think it also has a more flexable routing system, like being able to run plug-ins from the soundcard auxillary send. Other than that I don't know why you would need one.

I used to have the ASP hack too. I don't use midi though and I found the new record console was a bit cumbersome with the latest version so I went back to the SB drivers. For me it was a better choice. It is a good hack though if you need midi, that's for sure.
ok i love these drivers

did you take long to learn them? they are so flexible!
i guess if you didn't have a platinum it may not have been that good becuase you only have analog in 1&2. but with the plat i use mixer into line in 2 and it goes strait to the aps in 3&4 without going through the crossmixer and it has a compressor!
Nah, I just had (still have it) the SB Live MP3 card. That crossmixer was a bit of a nightmare in the last upgrade. If you can avoid that then you're doing great. I hear this hack is a great setup for people using Cubas. I've never used that though and I don't use synths or midi so I don't know a bunch about it. People who use ASIO seem to think it's a godsend though. I think a lot of people who move up to a card that'll do 24/96 will still hang on to their SB for doing synth stuff. It's really a great card if you don't need auxillary sends on a card (they're nice to have if you use a plug-in like Revalver and you're a guitarist.)
i'm wondering which crossmixer u had?
ver 3 is good

i set it up like so:

aps main out to 7&8 out

aux bus 1 to 1&2 out to the crossmixer
where i can add a pc mic (for talkback) then out to headphones for artist
I used 7 & 8 too. But for some reason the sound of previous tracks always leaked into the new one and it sounded kinda funky like that. Something just wasn't right. Anyhow I couldn't figure out what, if anything, I was doing wrong so I just went back to the SB drivers. I think the last ASP version I used was 1.84 The one before that was great and I wish I still had it but unfortunately I deleted it. But I'm getting by okay with the old SB drivers so it really doesn't matter. Bedtime here, talk at ya tomorrow maybe.
thanks for all your help

ive just got 3 more questions

What is the best pre for me?
What currency is this forum in?
the nt-1 is big in the high freq. so should i get a mic suited to the low mid?