Best Simple Drum Mic setup


New member
Hey all I recently just started getting into all out recording.

My main concern at this time is drums (everything else will come later!)

I kit I have is a tama rockstar i believe (mind you i'm a guitarist at heart) and I'm using a Nady DMK-7 7 mic package with a mic on everything except on the snare i just use a pg57 on the bottom of the snare. also at this point i'm looking into getting a better recording interface so as to make every drum an individual track versus running everything to a mixer then a toneport ux1 :)


My main question is really what would the difference be between 4 mics versus the 7? I've listened to some samples on here and noticed really no difference What do you all suggest as far as what mics, where to put them, etc?

keep in mind money is limited here to my good pal ebay will be with me all the way!!
There are varying opinions, and it depends on the type of music...But I've yet to hear anyone post a drum clip which was done with lots of mics that sounds any better than what can be done with 4 mics.

Look up the "RECORDERMAN" or "GLYN JOHNS" method for micing drums. They both use 3 or 4 mics (2 overheads, snare, and kik), and many people swear by them, myself included.
There have been some nice drum recordings here using a pair of Naiants as overheads. Those would be very easy on your budget.
so pretty much it would be safe to assume that a decent sound could come from two Naiants, a sm57 on snare, and lets say a beta 52a on kick?
so pretty much it would be safe to assume that a decent sound could come from two Naiants, a sm57 on snare, and lets say a beta 52a on kick?

a caveat on the naiants--they're only available in omni (since i last checked anyway). if you're recording in a reflective or boxy, untreated room, the room sound in the omnis will sound unpleasant. cardioids are best in a bad room.

the beta and 57 should do you fine though, regardless (they're both cardioids anyway).
a caveat on the naiants--they're only available in omni (since i last checked anyway). if you're recording in a reflective or boxy, untreated room, the room sound in the omnis will sound unpleasant. cardioids are best in a bad room.

the beta and 57 should do you fine though, regardless (they're both cardioids anyway).

Good point.

Use the money you saved by getting the Naiants and get some 703 and treat your room. There is no better bang for the buck improvement to your recordings than treatment.
There is no better bang for the buck improvement to your recordings than treatment.

Yet, people will still ask what the best mic to buy is, before they worry about treating the room....Kinda backwards. if you ask me.:eek:
Yet, people will still ask what the best mic to buy is, before they worry about treating the room....Kinda backwards. if you ask me.:eek:

I was shocked by the difference it made. So was the kid who brought over his drum kit.
Oh don't worry, that's next on my list.

I'm (slowing) getting to building a studio in the basement.

I've just been in different forums for that :)
Most people dont have the cash to treat a room...but if they have the money to go buy neumans or something i completly agree that treating should come first. People like me would spend years saving up to treat a room before they ever got record a single second.:(
Most people dont have the cash to treat a room...but if they have the money to go buy neumans or something i completly agree that treating should come first. People like me would spend years saving up to treat a room before they ever got record a single second.:(

I did mine for less than $150.
Most people dont have the cash to treat a room...but if they have the money to go buy neumans or something i completly agree that treating should come first. People like me would spend years saving up to treat a room before they ever got record a single second.:(

You obviously never looked into how much it would cost to treat a room. Exactly my point.
If I could go back, knowing what I know now, I'd treat the room first.

The frustration, wasted cd's from crappy mixes that wouldn't translate worth a damn and the gear that I bought cuz it was the "thing" that would fix my mixes...all horsefeathers.

Treat the room...the mixes will come, grasshoppa.
My mistake..

I've been looking into treating a room as long as ive been doing this..the room is big and from what ive seen on the internet it would be expensive...and from what i've read it might not be worth it.

There is just so much information floating around out there...god knows how much of it is false...take my point of view for example...

I have loved music my whole life and finally decided that it would be the funnest thing in the world to record. So i find a few websites...start using equipment i've gathered and research as much about it that i can. I've read so many points of view on this and so many other issues that its insane. I'm so sick of being dead set on something ive read and using a certain technique then finding out it is completly backwards...thats what this forum is for afterall...right?? Correcting and Informing.
I've been looking into treating a room as long as ive been doing this..the room is big and from what ive seen on the internet it would be expensive...and from what i've read it might not be worth it.

There is just so much information floating around out there...god knows how much of it is false...take my point of view for example...

I have loved music my whole life and finally decided that it would be the funnest thing in the world to record. So i find a few websites...start using equipment i've gathered and research as much about it that i can. I've read so many points of view on this and so many other issues that its insane. I'm so sick of being dead set on something ive read and using a certain technique then finding out it is completly backwards...thats what this forum is for afterall...right?? Correcting and Informing.

I agree...There's so much contradictory info, and just plain false info out there that it's not hard to get confused and question the last thing you thought was true.

Unfortunately, it's probably the same thing in every industry. I work in the fitness industry, and I cannot believe the things people quote as gospel when it comes to exercising, or losing weiight, etc......
well thats simple enough! I still have to build the room though but it's ultimately going to end up as a 10x10 room which i am gonna use for a live room/isobooth for drums vox and acoustic instruments
well thats simple enough! I still have to build the room though but it's ultimately going to end up as a 10x10 room which i am gonna use for a live room/isobooth for drums vox and acoustic instruments

Square is usually not good, but to make it smaller ain't good either.