Best RODE for vocals

Which is best for vocals?

  • NT-3

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • NT-1

    Votes: 45 18.8%
  • NT-2

    Votes: 30 12.6%
  • NT-1000

    Votes: 26 10.9%
  • NTK

    Votes: 131 54.8%

  • Total voters
If i was 15, which I am, I would NOT buy an NT1 for any reason. Get at l east and NT2, and even then...the NT1 is the worst one they make.
tyler is a recpro so you know he's right.

what you want is an ntk and a universal audio 601 tube preamp and a distressor.

now THAT would be a lovely front end!

what youll get is an nt1 and a meek mq3 but youll be just as happy anyway cause youre not a recpro!

ya know, i'm really getting tired of all this bullshit...don't you think he would be much better off with something like an AT3035 instead of an NT1? Basically the same cost, without the harshness of the NT1. I don't think I'm being unreasonable and I don't think of done anything to invite this criticism.
no harm ment

I didn't mean to be condecending with the 'if I were 15"remark,its just that I've gotton good results from $3 mics as have I gotton good results from $2000 mics its all horses for courses.personaly I havn't had any trouble with harshness from my nt1 as I go to the trouble of fixing that sort of thing by changing sounds and or equipment so what I hear through the monitors is what I want to record.Any way if the nt1 is the worst one they make then bring it on cause I have had tons of fun with mine.
There is an old saying that I picked up when I was working on building sites for 15 years and that is "a bad tradesman blames his/her tools" and by now you are all probably calling me a tool.
oh I forgot

tukkis said he wanted to buy Australian(good on him). Also for the record the aussie dollar is at the moment worth about 57 U.S. cents so things are going to sound expensive when you hear what we pay for things.
tyler657recpro said:
ya know, i'm really getting tired of all this bullshit...don't you think he would be much better off with something like an AT3035 instead of an NT1? Basically the same cost, without the harshness of the NT1. I don't think I'm being unreasonable and I don't think of done anything to invite this criticism.

we think the at 3035 would be an excellent choice but we are talking about rode mics arent we?

we are sorry if we have offended...

we just think its funny that a 15 yr old calls himself recpro!

if you dont think that is an invitation for SOMETHING then we cant help you.

do you have an nt1 or are you just going by what other ppls say?

littledog said:
um,... since when did jeap ever need an invitation...

good point

No i do not OWN an NT1 but I have used them and do not like them. That is my opinion, and you can like it or you can not like it. No more bullshit, that's all I ask.

Thanks guys for debating the topic for me!!

I ended up getting a NT1000 as this was more in my price range.
I used my bargaining skills as I got it down from $549 AUD to $489 AUD.

It is amazing!!
It's so clear!!

I have to agree that NT1 is crap and for only a 100 or so dollars more I could get the NT1000 which is a far better mic.

Thanks for the replies!
Thanks guys for debating the topic for me!!

I ended up getting a NT1000 as this was more in my price range.
I used my bargaining skills as I got it down from $549 AUD to $489 AUD.

It is amazing!!
It's so clear!!

I have to agree that NT1 is crap and for only a 100 or so dollars more I could get the NT1000 which is a far better mic.

Thanks for the replies!
tyler657recpro said:

good point

No i do not OWN an NT1 but I have used them and do not like them. That is my opinion, and you can like it or you can not like it. No more bullshit, that's all I ask.


maybe you wish you could delete the recpro and just be tyler657!

that would probably help.

we were playing along see? you are a recpro so everybody should listen to you and agree with what you say. right?

in fact tukkis agrees with you completely! if you hadnt told everybody youre 15 then nobody would know! its not our fault.

we support you in all your recpro endeavors!


NT-1000 Future Add-On..


I have a pair of NT-1000s. They are great for many situations. Even as overheads for drums. But, I ended up buying a Presonus *BlueTube* to mellow out the vocals.

These are great microphones, in my book. Very versatile...
the nt1000 is the ntv without the tube.

i will get one of each and test them and let you know what i think.


ha ha ha

Rossi said:
Remco, in Germany Rodes seem to be cheaper. NT 1000 is 333 Euros, NTK is 555 at I'm sure you can order them from Holland as well. SP is expensive here, too. MXL has no distributor in Germany; I wonder why? I wish I could get a pair of 603s here. Tried to get them in NYC, but they were out of stock.

check for MXL mics.

I'm shure he ships to germany...