Best Prices on Beyerdynamic Mics?


Legend in Own Mind
I got an unexpected bonus today from my work (woo hoo!). I've been itching to buy a ribbon mic and now I can pull the trigger. I think I'm going to go with a Beyerdynamic M160. Who has the best price on these mics?

Oddly enough, the best price I've found so far is from who sell them for $435.95. Every other place I've checked has been considerably more expensive. Plus, not many online stores seem to carry Beyerdynamic mics-- so bargain hunting hasn't been very easy.

Where can I get a great deal on a Beyerdynamic M160?

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Thanks... I'll do that!

It seems like I've seen people around here talking about getting an M160 for less than $400. Maybe it was a used mic or some blowout sale.

Still, $425 is not bad at all. If that's the best I can find... I'll bite.
I bought a M88 from Fullcompass off of was a demo or 2nd or something. Got a great price, looked new to me.