Best Pre-Amp Under $150?

DMP3 is a transformerless inamp circuit, that could be done for $20 per channel + PSU, box, and PCBs. Easy to get eight channels of that in a 1u case. So yeah, two channels will cost you $150, but you could do eight for $300. Nothing wrong with an inamp circuit; they just don't have much of a "sound". So add the output transformers to a couple of channels with a variable output attenuator so you can smack 'em hard when you feel like it. That also eases up on the required number of rotary switch taps. Do a variable input impedance if you get bored--those features only cost a couple of dollars per channel.
Can build an API 312 clone with PS and good transformers for about $150

is this a question or a statement? if it's a question, i think it'll cost a bit more than that just because the big costs are always PS, transformers, and housing...the rest of the parts are just a few dollars. But still, a 312 clone for $200-250 a channel is a great deal.

And, you can fit 4-8 in one 2U case, so that would cut down on the cost per channel if you build more than one at a time.