Best PA system for Adrenalinn II


New member
My Adrenalinn II sounds great through Sony Hi-Fi system but loses clarity and tightness when played through Yamaha PA we use on rehearsals. I tried connecting other modellers inlcuding Vamp II and Guitar Rig to Yamaha EMX and MG16 /FX console> Yamaha SV12 loudspeakers and they all sounded a bit better but cheap Sony Hi-Fi wins hands down.

Adrenalinn II sounds better then all the others modellers I tried when played through Sony speakers but I've found Yamaha PA speakers to be too dark and muddy, they somehow soften the sound which isn't bad when playing solo but it makes rectifier metal rhythym presets sound very weak.

Which smaller (200W) active PA speakers ( max. $1600 for pair) would have cleanest tightest sound closest to typical Hi-Fi setup.
I must mention that Adrenalinn sounded much better even through cheap PC speeaker system then through our PA setup. It actually sounds great through everything but Yamaha SV 12.
Yamaha mixers and Yamaha poweramp are not factors because I played through both connected to several Hi-fi speakers and it sounded good.