Best Overheads - Drums


New member
Right! OK I am seeking advice from all you gurus. I am a minimalist drum micing kind of dude and I am seeking to upgrade my overheads. I would like to be able to capture the whole kit as best I can with the overheads (using recorderman or Glyn Johns technique) then adding spot mics to the snare and the kick. My room is fairly small (treated). Budget is around 500 to 700 per mic I guess. Of course if I can get away with something cheaper thats cool too. These mics would only serve for one purpose too (overheads). Word?

Any helpers out there? Thanks a bunch.

Oh yeah I am currently using a pair of AT4040's. I do like them but I find them to be a tad harsh on the cymbals.

Also, for something completely different. On acoustic guitar the AT4040's blew me away. They sound awesome on guitar. :)
I've been doing some research on drum OH's to step out of my lower end stuff. I had my choice down to two options. But I should mention I like my mics to be able to do more than just one thing. I was looking at the Shure sm81's and the Peluso Cemc6's.

I ordered the stereo pair of Peluso's from I haven't gotten them yet, but I have high hopes for them. For 680.00 you get a stereo matched pair with two shock mounts, two hard mounts, wind screens, two pretty nice XLR cables, and a flight case.

Edit: Forgot to mention I was going for small diaphragm condensers, so the 81's and cemc6's are SDC.
Recently I have had much success with using the Peluso CEMC6 SD mics, as well as the Red Type B bodies with either the R7 or the R8 capsules. The Peluso's are a little cheaper than the RED's. Any of the above smokes the Shure sm81's in my opinion. I also really like AKG 414's, Peluso 2247's, the Geffells that NL5 mentioned (all the Geffell's are pretty sweet). Shure KSM32's also sound great as Overhead Mics.
I love my Josephson C42 SDCs. They sound great on everything and you can get a matched pair for around $800.

I'll second this recommendation. They are considered by some to be "bright", but I like them as drum OH's. They are built like tanks, too. Love mine...

i'm looking to step up my overheads too

to answer your question I would say some m160s or Coles 4038(s)

to hijack just a little I was wondering which would be best for LDC or Ribbon OHs (I already have MK-012s)...
on the cheap should I get two AT3035s for $180
or another 4033 for $200
or another modded Apex 205 for $140
I don't normally think of the 4040's as being an unusually bright mic by any stretch, so if the AT's are bothering you on the cymbals, then I'm afraid most of the recommendations so far in this thread will as well.

If you don't have access to darker / smoother sounding cymbals, or can't seem to play with enough control to get a more pleasing sound ... then you should really look at a darker mic. Perhaps something along the lines of a ribbon, or possibly an omni reference mic.
Isn't it great that the Blue Kiwi has optional pickup patterns to boot?!?!?!? Its the best mic I have used period. I had 3....overheads and a room that was a kick ass setup even on those onyx pres!
If you're looking for something to make cymbals sound less harsh, IMHO, the MK-012 does a darn good job at that.