Best monitors under $250! (or more)... Yorkville YSM-1

Cool man,

I hope that works out. I looked for a used pair for over a year and never found them used (which is a good sign), so good for you!
Well, just got off the phone where I placed an order with Daddy's Junky Music for the used pair I talked about. It's a shame I don't live closer, where the shipping would be less. lol

$89 for the monitors +$20 shipping = $109 total. Says they're in Very Good condition, and there's a 3 day no questions return policy, as well as a 30 day warranty. I'll let ya know how they sound. (Now, to find a dirt cheap deal on a decent amp. :) )

Thanks for the tip, BTW!
Hey guys-
I finally got in my YSM-1's yesterday and wow. They really do sound great. I have used a couple of different amps with them and there is a slight sound difference. Right now I am playing CD's and some pre-recorded material so that I can get used to the sound. But you really can hear everything thats in the mix through these. It's easy to hear every part my itself as well as the whiole mix together. The guy I bought them from said he uses 4 of these in a 5.1 home theater in his home. Pretty interesting.
To answer the question earlier, no, they are not shielded.
One other cool thing is that, according to the dealer I bought them from, there is a year warranty that if anything happens to them they will replace them.
I also found that Yorkville makes some very formidible and VERY well priced PA gear. I will probably add to my JBL stuff with the Yorkville stuff in the future.

KaBudokan- I paid $220 for a set and that includes tax and shipping and they were NEW factory fresh. Look around some more (unless that $89 is for two!). I got mine at Shockwave Audio here in Cincinnati.
Good deal man. :)
BTW- I've bought a TON of stuff over the years from Daddy's and I've always had great experiences. Even on some problems, they were tops to help me out.

Well, I just got the YSM's from UPS today. (That poor guy was struggling with one BIG box... lol)

I hooked them up just to see if they worked, switching out my main home theater speakers with these. MAN!!! Theyt sound great.

I don't have experience with monitors, but I can hear an amazing difference in imaging and accuracy compared with my middle range Infinity speakers.

I'm going to be using this Yamaha receiver to power them for a bit, and I have to say I am pretty damn happy with the sound so far. I am looking forward to the time when I can get a dedicated power amp, but even with this setup, it seems that they shine.

DAMN good $89 spent. :):):)

What happened to the passive 20/20's everyone was raving about? Don't they sell for $299? Has anyone compared the YSM-1 with the 20/20's? The prices are close enough to be in the same league.
Yeah, I would like to know about a comparison between the 20/20's and the Yorkville's. Someone find a review!
not perfect

I have a pair of YSM-1s. I'm using an Alesis RA-100 amp, which matches them pretty well. Yorkville also makes an amp that matches them well. Anyway, they do sound very good, but I have to say the bass is a bit thin. They tend to make me want to overcompensate with too much bass. This, however, seems to be a problem with alot of low end monitors. Maybe the 20/20s are better (they at least claim to cover the full auditory spectrum).

What I'd like to do is have a pair of regular hifi speakers (which tend to exagerate bass) hooked up so that I could switch between them. Its good to be able to here your mix on a variety of systems, and its a pain to have to burn a CD every time you want to hear it on something else.
Hi bdemenil,

I'll agree and disagree with you. :> Yes the YSM-1's don't have the loudest bass, but what is does have is the ablility to produce frequencies below almost any other nearfield monitor in ANY price range. And it does so with a respectably flat response all the way through. Many monitors might give you louder bass in say the 80-100hz range and make the listener think there's more bass, but they might not be able to reproduce some crazy low synth sound down past 65hz, or some really low bass drum frequencies.

So yeah, if someone wants louder punchy bass, the YSM-1's might not be the monitor for them. But if they want a monitor that lets them hear stuff that's way down there, the YSM-1's are a great choice.

In terms of overcompensating the bass in your mixes, that's just a matter of knowing and understanding your monitors. If your Yorkvilles sound like mine (I can't vouch for their consistency), then all the information you need to get a good mix is there. That CAN'T be said of all nearfields. If you need more bass to mix effectively, then look into mid-field monitors or a subwoofer.

The 20/20's are also excellent monitors. I've heard the passive and the bi-amped versions but it's been a while. Do they have louder bass? Maybe, I don't remember. But I know they don't reach any lower into the audio spectrum than the YSM-1's. I can't say which are better.

I definitely agree with you about listening on several types of speakers. Once I've mixed down onto the computer (I use WaveLab), I'm able to route the stereo mix to my audio interface OR my cheap little computer speakers by selecting within the program. A very cool feature. Also, Pro-Co makes a great speaker switch which allows you to select speakers POST power-amp. You can connect up to 3 pairs of sepakers.

I think the lack of bass has to do with your choice of amplifier. I power the YSM-1's with a Mackie 1400i amp. Thats a 1400 watt amp vs. a 100 watt amp. And it puts out about 400 watts per channel at the 6 ohms that the YSM-1's draw, the alesis would give 80-85 at 6 ohms.
The comment about the low hz bass response is totally true. I have now been mixing with sub-bass tracks that I could never really hear before. They will go way down and I hear plenty of bass for mixing rock music on. Now, if I was mixing hip hop I might want to add a sub, but thats why they make monitor subs anyways. I really like the bass response on these YSM-1's.

And as far as listening to different systems, the stereo in my Volvo is the biggest piece of crap ever made. Nothing sounds good in it. But after mixing on my new monitors, it even sounds ok in the Volvo.
