Best monitors for under $150?


New member
Im looking for a pair of monitors to run with my new TASCAM DP-02CF multi-track recorder. Im pretty low on cash so i just need something basic to monitor my sound but at the same time give me a pretty close replica of the sound that would be playing in a car stereo system or home stereo system.

Any ideas of a decent pair?

As of right now im using a pair of boom box speakers. Here is a picture of them. The brand is "White-Westing" :eek:

Thanks so much and any help is GREATLY appreciated. :)
Im looking for a pair of monitors to run with my new TASCAM DP-02CF multi-track recorder. Im pretty low on cash so i just need something basic to monitor my sound but at the same time give me a pretty close replica of the sound that would be playing in a car stereo system or home stereo system.

Any ideas of a decent pair?

As of right now im using a pair of boom box speakers. Here is a picture of them. The brand is "White-Westing" :eek:

Thanks so much and any help is GREATLY appreciated. :)

I have had mine for a few years. They are clear and uncolored. The company is great. When I got mine, one of the tweets had a dented dome. They sent me a new one and I had it within a few days.

Those do look like a nice pair! What will i need to connect the speakers to my Multi-track recorder? Is a power amp really necessary? And could you recommend a power amp that is relatively cheap but good for the price?

:eek: Sorry for all the questions but im trying to learn as much as i can ya know? Just like anyone experimenting with the recording process. Plus, thats what forums are for! :D

Thanks so much!
Don't worry about the questions. I love helping people with this stuff. When I bought mine, I also bought one of their speaker cables. I cut it in half since the speaker inputs are a clamp style. You just put the leads into them and screw them down. I already had an old 200 watt Crate SPA200 power amp and it works great. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of cheap power amps out there new. You can get one of the Nady or Gems that MF offers but I hear their longevity can be limited. You can probably snag one on the net somewhere though for $100 or less. Just keep the wattage low. 100-200 watts. But yes, you will need a power amp. If all else fails, you can run it through a home stereo power amp but be careful because they usually use some sort of bass boost or EQ in those.
For passive monitors, yes, you need an amp between the Tascam and the speakers to power them. Active monitors have the amp built into the speaker housing, so they plug into the wall, and you simply connect the DP-02 directly to the speakers.
I think im looking towards whats more simpler. =] Theres a very limited amount of space in my room. This is about all the space i have to work with:

What is the main sound difference between a set of active monitors and a set of passive monitors? (besides passive needing a power amp) I think im more interested in the active monitors... is there limitations with active monitors? or visa versa?

Oh, and do you think it is safe when recording vocals, guitar or anything else i guess, to plug the end of my mic cable (XLR - 1/4th) into my 30 watt Marshall amp then, running a cable from the amps emulated line out jack and into the recorders input?Was just wondering because i SOOO dont want to mess anything up.

In your situation, the differences will be subtle. Power amps, for the most part, have their own inherent sound qualities... so the same monitors might sound slightly different when paired with different amps, even if the amps are of the same wattage. Good or bad is in the ear of the beholder. Personally, I use active monitors to cut down on the number of connections in my monitor chain. Plus they're just damn convenient.

Oh, and do you think it is safe when recording vocals, guitar or anything else i guess, to plug the end of my mic cable (XLR - 1/4th) into my 30 watt Marshall amp then, running a cable from the amps emulated line out jack and into the recorders input?Was just wondering because i SOOO dont want to mess anything up.

Knock yourself out. But why would you want to do this for vocals? You have preamps built into the Tascam. Please use those for your vocal mic. For guitars, bass, etc., the "recording out" or "line out" is what you should use when not mic'ing the cabinet. Just under no circumstances would you use the "speaker line out" to the recorder.
I think you should put up the $150 that you have and keep using the stereo another $150...even if it takes 6 months...and get something useable....not that even $300 monitors are great...but much better than the crap ones that have been recommended in this thread....
I think you should put up the $150 that you have and keep using the stereo another $150...even if it takes 6 months...and get something useable....not that even $300 monitors are great...but much better than the crap ones that have been recommended in this thread....

there always has to be one of those guys. Yeah, spend $1000 on your home studio monitors. That is feasible for most of the us here.
there always has to be one of those guys. Yeah, spend $1000 on your home studio monitors. That is feasible for most of the us here.

I didnt say to spend $1000....I said buy something that will do what you want them to do....I cant think of a $150 set of monitors that will be any better than the speakers he is using now...there is no need to spend $150 on shitty speakers, then have to go back and spend $300 to $400 MORE to replace the ones he just bought....
The points for the economics side of the debate go to Thajeremy, but, having said that, there is more to it than economics.

If Gamete wants to get some monitors, albeit $150 ones, then that's fine by me. I agree that eventually there be a time when Gamete will discover the limitations of cheaper monitors and will want to upgrade. But by that time, with further experience under his belt, I expect he will be in a better position to judge what is going to suit his circumstances better, and will be able to exercise greater discrimination in his choice.

It may seem like a waste of money, buying something now and then replacing it later. But I would regard it as an investment in training, as well as a hedge against the whole recording pursuit coming adrift.
I didnt say to spend $1000....I said buy something that will do what you want them to do....I cant think of a $150 set of monitors that will be any better than the speakers he is using now...there is no need to spend $150 on shitty speakers, then have to go back and spend $300 to $400 MORE to replace the ones he just bought....

I have been using a pair of $70 monitors for almost three years and they have worked great. They are a damn site better than home stereo speakers or headphones. My mixes sound great. The cat is looking for monitors for under $150. Why would you pop onto a thread that is clearly labeled and start spouting off about how he should spend more than what his budget calls for? I think that sometimes people forget that this is a HOME recording website. It is not the hammer, my friend, it is the carpenter.
Ok, here's a little tip. If you call MF and tell them that you have the "secret sale little catalog", you can get the Fostex PM0.5 MKII 5" monitors for $179. Regular price for this is $279 so its not a bad deal and they are decent monitors. If they ask for the code, is 812T. Hope that helps you.

Thanks for the GREAT advice!

I think im going to save up for some pretty cheap monitors but some that are nice. Like the Fostex PM0.5 MKII 5" monitors

I don't know. Ill probably just compare the mixes in the stereo speakers to the car stereo.... IDK I mean, i dont even have $150 yet. I was just trying to find out because i MAY get a job soon. Alabama sucks! NO JOBS!!! Certainly down south...


I was running my vocals through my Marshall guitar amp because my recorder doesn't have any effects. This is the amp:

Got that for $200 with a Line 6 urber metal distortion pedal!!! =]

It has reverb, chorus, flange, and delay. So i was running my vocals through that to add some reverb and delay.
I have been using a pair of $70 monitors for almost three years and they have worked great. They are a damn site better than home stereo speakers or headphones. My mixes sound great. The cat is looking for monitors for under $150. Why would you pop onto a thread that is clearly labeled and start spouting off about how he should spend more than what his budget calls for? I think that sometimes people forget that this is a HOME recording website. It is not the hammer, my friend, it is the carpenter.

chill dude....the words are right there in english...he plainly said "any help is GREATLY appreciated". This was my dont have to agree...thats the beauty of this board....the opinions vary and there is no telling what someone might suggest that sounds like a good Idea....I started out with stereo speakers as well...then I stepped up to some nicer stereo speakers...then up to a $300 set of Wharfedale's and I thought WOW what a that I have Adam A7's, I see that my Wharfdales, while they are nice speakers....arent as great as I thought....

now....given my experiance, coming from a similar situation as using stereo advice is keep using stereo speakers until you can afford something decent, because a $150 set of monitors wont be that much better than stereo speakers....

I have been using a pair of $70 monitors for almost three years and....... My mixes sound great.

post up some mp3's and lets see what ya workin with....
I started out with stereo speakers as well...then I stepped up to some nicer stereo speakers...then up to a $300 set of Wharfedale's and I thought WOW what a that I have Adam A7's, I see that my Wharfdales, while they are nice speakers....arent as great as I thought........

You've described a progression of upgrading that I expect many others have been through as well. It seems like a natural way of doing things . . . gradual improvement that goes with increasing experience and discernment.

now....given my experiance, coming from a similar situation as using stereo advice is keep using stereo speakers until you can afford something decent, because a $150 set of monitors wont be that much better than stereo speakers....

This is the bit I'm not totally convinced about. To make a significant investment in speakers requires the abilitiy to know what it is your letting yourself in for. You noted yourself that you thought the Wharfedales were great until you got the Adams. How does one know what is a good speaker until one knows what a bad speaker is? There are so many choices, so much sales tinsel covering everything, and so many different recording environments, that it I expect it is extremely difficult for someone just starting out to know how to make a decision. Which is why I don't think it is a bad idea for someone to make several investments along their development path.
chill dude....the words are right there in english...he plainly said "any help is GREATLY appreciated". This was my dont have to agree...thats the beauty of this board....the opinions vary and there is no telling what someone might suggest that sounds like a good Idea....I started out with stereo speakers as well...then I stepped up to some nicer stereo speakers...then up to a $300 set of Wharfedale's and I thought WOW what a that I have Adam A7's, I see that my Wharfdales, while they are nice speakers....arent as great as I thought....

now....given my experiance, coming from a similar situation as using stereo advice is keep using stereo speakers until you can afford something decent, because a $150 set of monitors wont be that much better than stereo speakers....

post up some mp3's and lets see what ya workin with....

I am chilled. I am just sayin'....don't be hatin' on our ideas either. As far as posting MP3s, I never really do that on here. I mix to my taste and I don't really look for the opinions of others. I have to trust what I am doing. I am not going to get into a pissing contest of my mix is better than yours. Sorry bro. As far as keeping his stereo speakers, I have to disagree. However, since this cat has no job, I would have to go ahead and agree for now for the sake of his budget and civility with my fellow home recorders.
This is the bit I'm not totally convinced about. To make a significant investment in speakers requires the abilitiy to know what it is your letting yourself in for. You noted yourself that you thought the Wharfedales were great until you got the Adams. How does one know what is a good speaker until one knows what a bad speaker is? There are so many choices, so much sales tinsel covering everything, and so many different recording environments, that it I expect it is extremely difficult for someone just starting out to know how to make a decision. Which is why I don't think it is a bad idea for someone to make several investments along their development path.

Ill give in to this are right....most people have to start small and grow their studio over time....however....he asked for advice...and this was mine...Had I had the oportunity to become familiar with nicer speakers early on, I possibly would have followed my own advice....but I didnt have that chance...and maybe the OP doesnt either...

SO.......That said, unless you have somewhere you can go and use nice monitors and see how good some of them can be, and give your self something to shoot for, then get the cheapies and build over time as you can....and in 10 years look back and say "I cant believe I actually mixed with those" actuality, that is what most of us do....
Ill give in to this are right....most people have to start small and grow their studio over time....however....he asked for advice...and this was mine...Had I had the oportunity to become familiar with nicer speakers early on, I possibly would have followed my own advice....but I didnt have that chance...and maybe the OP doesnt either...

SO.......That said, unless you have somewhere you can go and use nice monitors and see how good some of them can be, and give your self something to shoot for, then get the cheapies and build over time as you can....and in 10 years look back and say "I cant believe I actually mixed with those" actuality, that is what most of us do....

I have no problem with your opinion on what this cat needs to do. I have a problem with you presenting it in the fashion of calling our ideas, "crap". Price is not always the mitigating factor on whether something sounds good. Since you have most likely not used the brand that I recommended, then you have no basis for calling it crap. Fair enough?