Best Microphone Choice for my Situation


New member
Hey guys,

Im sure this topic has been beat to death but im gonna go ahead and bring it up again anyway lol! I want to get a large and small diaphragm condenser, in a package deal or seperatly, and dont have much budget to work with at the current time. I will mainly be using them for vocal and acoustic instruments, and want the two mics and shockmounts all for under $200. I realize im not going to get fantastic quality for that budget but im just looking for something that is good. Im currently using using two SM58 to record vocals and guitars and, although the quality isnt terrible, I feel like I have to turn the gain up too high and end up with way more unwanted white noise than desirable. So I just want something that while capture my sound as well as the SM58 but is more sensitive and doesnt need the gain to be jacked way up to get the same volume levels. Its not as bad on the vocal but the I have to turn the gain up so high on the guitar that it just get too much white noise into the track. To give you an idea of my voice, I sort of have a pop country type voice....a little bit of twange but not overbearing. Think of something like Keith Urban or other similiar artists. And as far as my studio environment, im working with a Saffire 6 in a room that has terrible acoustics....not really much I can do about that, its just what im stuck with for the time being. Thanks guys for all your help!
You're unlikelyto get 2 decent condensors as you describe for under $200 unless you find someone trying to reduce there mic cabinet.

Better to go for 1 decent one first. I picked up a used AKG Peception 220 for a steal on Ebay for $90, but more likely you will see them going for well over $100.
I started out with a pair of samson Co2 mics.
They sound like the kind of thing you're looking for.

We used these as drum overheads on Blondie UK (tribute) album a few years back and for the price point they're really good.