Best looking Headstock?


New member
No idea what I'm even posting this.. but anways..

What do you think the best looking headstock is?

When I was a kid, first time I saw an Ibanez, it was the headstock that stood out to me, hate to admit it, but I think that's why I bought my first one.

If I had to pic a fav though... My Washburn N4 I suppose, its handy to hang it on things, and looks pretty cool too.
I have always loved the fender headstock. Not so much the new, smaller ones though. The old Jimi-era headstocks have always gotten my noodle going! :D
electric - Gibson Les Paul
acoustic - Kevin Ryan
bass - Gibson firebird
pikingrin said:
I have always loved the fender headstock. Not so much the new, smaller ones though. The old Jimi-era headstocks have always gotten my noodle going! :D


+1 for Ibanez...although I'll definitely give ya props for the N4. That thing is fuggin' sweeeet!
1983 Burns Bison - not the really old / new ugly ones but the ones that had horns and were the shape of a bulls head (well sort of..) V. cool.

Plus Maton acoustic keyhole

Not US guitars I know, but worth a look!
I like the wide Fender headstocks, but the Firebirds will always have a special place in me.

EZ, is that your Thunderbird?
Guilty... I still like pointy Jacksons..... :D

(Note: I also have 3 Strats, 2 w/ the large headstock, and 1 with a small... I prefer the smaller Fender headstock... go figure...)