Best laptop....


New member
So I wanna switch over from my roland VS-880ex to computer recording. Im going to be buying a laptop because I want it for touring etc.. I have about 1000-1200 to spend on it. What is the best laptop I can with that budget for recording? What are the main things I should look for? PC or MAC? I dont have a budget for the hardware yet, but whats the best right now? Any help would be awesome. thanks..

look at an amd 64 based laptop. with an internal 7200 rpm drive. i'm a computer engr, and this is what i'm looking at right now for a daw.
amd processors are my preference due to their high performance for dsp audio. also amd sempron will blow most stuff out the water.
i use this for software. cant be beat for the price.....
does everything foraudio and midi.