Best Laptop For Music Producing?

I use a macbook pro or a viao netbook when on the go.....both suffice for different reasons, the netbook is only a dual 1.33ghz 2gig ram but i can do loads on it

when i first went to north America i used a dell dual 2.66 with 4 gigs ram and the dreaded Vista! and it was fine

it all depends what youre going to use it for, tracking audio or softsynths...for audio sub $500 laptops are fine, shit they are better than most 5 year old desktops

softsynths will eat at your CPU and sample synths/drums have huge libraries so a separate HD is a good idea, try to ensure its a 7200rpm HDD, but again Ive recorded on 5400RPM without much problems

if you are just starting out most modern laptops will get you there, if you want to invest in something that you wont outgrow quickly then spend more $$$, the macbook pro's a good choice if you can afford it
TimOBrien said:
Buy cheap = bash head into wall.

A sub-$500 laptop for recordimg is like taking a VW out onto the Indy500.

My $285 HP lappy has been functioning flawlessly for 2+ years now. 3gigs ram, 2.1 ghz AMD Sempron (the Celeron clone) and a 5400 rpm drive. Should be a terrible rig, but, it runs great.

No headbashing here. Just set it up well, and keep it off the net. Recording audio is not rocket science and unless you are gonna host a bunch of VST plugs like soft synths, it just doesn't take a spectacular, cutting edge machine to get the job done.
Save yourself the windows headaches, get a mac. Trying to learn a new OS is a pain in the ass, but now I'm used to it and will never go back to windows. I don't miss all the "mysterious" errors that windows had to ruin my day.
Get something you can afford - laptops aren't the greatest option full stop.
As for mac superiority well, not as attacked as Windows but almost completely built of windows style componenewts but for HEAPS more $. Look at a mac book, decide what you can afford, then look at a comparable specs PC lappie THEN with the extra grand or so you don't spend on the mac upgrade the pc laptop. OH & try to get XP loaded rather than Vista or 7.
Get something you can afford - laptops aren't the greatest option full stop.
As for mac superiority well, not as attacked as Windows but almost completely built of windows style componenewts but for HEAPS more $. Look at a mac book, decide what you can afford, then look at a comparable specs PC lappie THEN with the extra grand or so you don't spend on the mac upgrade the pc laptop. OH & try to get XP loaded rather than Vista or 7.

I understand avoiding Vista like the plague, but why go XP and not W7?