Best Guitar Tone I've Gotten Out of a Line 6 POD 2


New member
The lead guitar player for this band I've been recording didn't bring his guitar or amplifier like he normally does, so i pulled out my Fender Tele and let him detune it and plugged it into a POD and was amazed at how well this particular song turned out. Great mix for hard rock.

Warning: Explicit language, lots of F-bombs.

OH yea! I think the guitar sounds great! Did you go direct from the POD or into an mic'd amp? I've got a POT XT Live. I've just found a great sound with the POD going in the front of a crappy Marshall FX combo. I'm gonna take in into a professional studio today to track a song for a friend and see if they don't laugh me out the door! :eek: I think it sounds great.

ps - thanks for the F-bombs warning - too bad I didn't read in until after I fired it up with the kids around :o oops!


That was a freaking awesome tune man. It kind of had a Rob Zombie feel to it, seemed like. I like this genre of music and this song seemed to have a good drive to it. I'd love to here more from this band you're recording or are involved in or whatever.

It was Telecaster -> POD 2.0 -> PreSonus FireStudio -> Computer

But yeah they're doing a 12 track album should be done soon

EDIT: New Sample:
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