Best Delay Plug-In?

Hey guys.
just wondering what the best (in your opinion) delay plug is?
Free or Payed.
Depends on what you're looking in a delay.

PSP has some really cool delay plugins.
I've checked out the Waves delays and like their reverbs, they're... eh... meh :rolleyes:

UAD has the Echoplex emulation that gets rave reviews, although I haven't demo'd it yet.

I like the delays that come with Guitar Rig... in fact I just love Guitar Rig and not just for their distortion and amp simplations... it has some great creative possibilities if you want to push it.

Staying with NI stuff, they used to have a spectral delay called... Spektral Delay, that allowed you to delay a bunch of narrow band frequencies by different amounts, and modulate them at the same time. Allowed for some great wacky stuff... they discontinued it unfortunately.

If you have Reaktor, I created a delay ensemble for it called Twisted Delay that can be used as a straight up delay or be used for some great atmospherics, anything from subtle burbles to industrial strength feedback are possible. In fact there are a bunch of great delay effects created by other Reaktor builders as well. I'd check out RachMiel's stuff for the really far out experimental stuff.

That's about it from me.
Depends on what you're looking in a delay.

PSP has some really cool delay plugins.
I've checked out the Waves delays and like their reverbs, they're... eh... meh :rolleyes:

UAD has the Echoplex emulation that gets rave reviews, although I haven't demo'd it yet.

I like the delays that come with Guitar Rig... in fact I just love Guitar Rig and not just for their distortion and amp simplations... it has some great creative possibilities if you want to push it.

Staying with NI stuff, they used to have a spectral delay called... Spektral Delay, that allowed you to delay a bunch of narrow band frequencies by different amounts, and modulate them at the same time. Allowed for some great wacky stuff... they discontinued it unfortunately.

If you have Reaktor, I created a delay ensemble for it called Twisted Delay that can be used as a straight up delay or be used for some great atmospherics, anything from subtle burbles to industrial strength feedback are possible. In fact there are a bunch of great delay effects created by other Reaktor builders as well. I'd check out RachMiel's stuff for the really far out experimental stuff.

That's about it from me.

Its just for vocals,
thankyou alot for all of that, at least now i have an idea what to look for!
I'm trying to understand how one delay can be better than another. If it has settings for "delay time", "feedback/regeneration", and "mix", and we're talking digital, what makes one better than the other? It's a delay. :eek:
I'm trying to understand how one delay can be better than another. If it has settings for "delay time", "feedback/regeneration", and "mix", and we're talking digital, what makes one better than the other? It's a delay. :eek:

If it's trying to emulate an analog bucket brigade or tape delay there's a whole world of different tones possible.
I like the psp 608 multi delay.

I also snagged a delay from Nomad Factory when it was a no-brainer deal from for $20 that I like that has 3 delays in one (all separate level and pan like the 608).

I'm using OSX, if I was on windows I would check out the Kjaerhus stuff.
I have had some good experience with the "Sonitus:Delay" from Cakewalk. I have used the stereo panning often and it doesn't eat up too much of my CPU.