Best Damn Drum Overhead Mics...Period

I await the opposition..........

I've used a lot of different ones and many are really good, but "For the Money" I'd have to say that the Oktava MK-012 in a match stereo coincidental pair with the 10db capsule are the best damned overhead mics for drums I've ever used and without the 10db pad capsule they are the best overheads for acoustic instruments on stage.
Some will agree with me on this but those that have invested much more on much more expensive microphones (that work just about as well and just maybe a wee bit better) will be furious at my inept judgment, but I really like these little mics.
How do you define minimalistic? One mic, Two mics, Five mics? Least amount of cash? or least amount of input channels? And/or some combination there of.

Not that I have any experience using any of these. But the sound samples seem to favor stereo pairs like the following. At least to my ears. In no particular order.

MXL 603's
MK 319's
AT 40??'s

And then there's much more expensive alternatives that sound even better. But my signal chain rarely matches the source of those samples. And my monitoring gear isn't exactly top of the line. Although i'd like the think my ears and concept of sound are good. Having played trombone for many years. Even getting paid to do so professionally for a few of them. Granted that that was a decade or more back.
Not sure what mics but if your room is properly treated for sound and you want minimal micing perhaps your money would be well spent with a condenser or ribbon for O/H and dynamic for kick.
The Rodes are a wee bit cheaper

RODE NT5s are pretty damm good. However I don't know how they compare to an Oktava...

When I purchased my Oktava MK012's they were ridiculously inexpensive. They didn't take off at Guitar Center so they closed them out and were selling them for $150 for a pair. Oktava has improved on the options and now sells these mics with three different pattern capsules (mine was only available with the cardioid, and the 10 db pad capsule). I purchased a matched pair that I paid $450 for. A single Oktava MK 012 now sells for $320 (they earned their reputation) They are still far less expensive than the higher priced Neumann's, but many compare them to the Neumann quality. (they are really very good mics, but even I must say, they're not THAT good).
The Rodes, the Shure and a whole host of other SDC's are really very good and each has their fine points, but for "Bang for the Buck" I would choose the Oktavas.
Right! Thanks for the replys. Right now I have two AT4040's going into a Sebatron. They sound good but the highs can be a little on the harsh side. I have a somewhat treated room but I think I have decided that I have the worst room in the world for recording drums.

By minimalistic I meant just using 2 overheads, kick and snare. I have been avoiding close micing everything but I think I may have to. I was also thinking of close micing the toms and then just using 1 ribbon/mono overhead. I am just rambling.

I guess I was just curious if there was an "industry standard" for overheads, kinda like the 57 was used on snare for tons of stuff. The price point didnt really matter (except for ones like Royer, etc.).

Do the NT5's sound harsh at all in the highs? Same with Octavas? Thanks
Right! Thanks for the replys. Right now I have two AT4040's going into a Sebatron. They sound good but the highs can be a little on the harsh side. I have a somewhat treated room but I think I have decided that I have the worst room in the world for recording drums.

You'd like the 012, then, I suspect. The word harsh is the last word I'd use to describe them.

You might also consider two ribbons in a Blumlein pair, perhaps, but you'd have to experiment to see if that would work in your room.
the best damn overhead mics THAT I HAVE USED are AKG 414's (and they sound great with almost any source I have put in front of them!).
A great engineer I know loves his Sennheiser MKH 406 glyn johns technique.
I've recently tried the AKG perception 100's as well and was very pleased with the results (but the drummer and the set kicked ass and it was in an great sounding room).