Best Cab setup for a new Spider Valve?


New member
I'll be getting a new Spider Valve head in a week but can't really decide on how I want to output it. I currently have the Spider III Cab that was purchased with the HD150 (solid state) head (300W, 8 ohms), and have to decide between one of the following options:

Stack up w/ another cab like the Ibanez IS412C or Peavey Windsor 412 and give it a roar out of two cabs (along with the current Spider Cab)


Buy the actual Spider 412VS Cab which has celestion vintage 30 speakers

(I don't have enough money to buy two Spider 412VS cabs or that'd be what I'd do in a heartbeat.)

What will sound better? Two cheapo-type cabs stacked or one good one?
I'm in the same situation as you. I have the Spider Valve head, but not the matching cab. Right now I'm using the Spider III 4x12 cab and it sounds like sh*t. "Custom-voiced Celestions" or whatever Line 6 calls them translates to "garbage", and the wood is junk as well.

I tried the Spider Valve cab & head at a Guitar Center with the same guitar I have at home and wasn't too thrilled. An online acquaintance who is a huge gear snob recommended getting an Avatar custom cab. They're cheaper than the Line 6 cab, built with quality materials, and you can mix and match different Celestions.

Sometime in the future I'll be getting a traditional 4x12 with two V30's or Hellatones on top and two G12H30's on bottom. All told it will cost $558 shipped, while the Line 6 costs $699 plus shipping.

And no one needs a full stack unless you A) are playing a stadium, or B) want to look like an a**hole. :)