Best budget vocal condenser microphone?


New member
This is for just basement recording, nothing professional or anything.

My current mic I got a long time ago is a b-2 behringer condenser

But what is a good budget ($100-$200MAX) Condenser mic for doing strictly vocals?

A long time ago someone recomended a Studio Projects B1 mic. Is this outdated now? It was priced pretty low (like $110 on ebay new) but I wanted to hear some more updated opinions.

Would these even be much of an upgrade (or at all?) of my current behringer?
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If there's a store close to you; you could go demo mics. There's quite a few to choose from for your budget, and you'll notice mics can be a personal preference thing :)
Why are you stuck on getting a condenser? At the price range you're talking about, you might find a way better sounding dynamic for vocals. Depending on the room you're recording in, even a good condenser might sound worse than a dynamic. A condenser won't make a bad room sound good, it will make a bad room sound worse.

EDIT: Sorry, I got this thread mixed up with another thread where someone was looking for TWO condensers for $100. At your price range of up to $200 for one mic, you may well find a decent condenser. But what I said about the room and the poosibility that a dynamic might suit your needs better is still something to consider.
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