Best Audition 2.0 Compression for Vox?


New member
Hey all,

I was just hoping to get some feedback from you all regarding the built in compressions in Audition 2.0. I don't have any other plug in compressors and don't have any stand alone compressors so I really need to use what I've got for the time being. I have found that the Classic Soft Knee compression works best for guitars and bass. But what is best for vocals? I tried using the "voice over" compressor and it turned out really crappy.

Any ideas?

Oddly enough, the best vocal sound I have gotten was not from compressing, but from using the "nice vocal presence" reverb preset with AA 1.5. Unfortunately, with 2.0 the old presets were lost and, even though I tried to duplicate the parameters with the 2.0 reverb, it never worked the way the original did.

Essentially it's a subtle reverb with a little EQ boost in the upper mids, just like a Shure 58.