bells and wizzards

I'm sure you already know this, but it sounds gorgeous. Nothing to say at all about the composition, other than that it should be in a Harry Potter movie. As for the technical side, 100% quality all around.
thanks....i know that this is more of an rock oriented forum, but i'm glad if some of you guys like some orchestral stuff as well
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If you don't mind, I would say that more from a mastering point of view, it sounds to me a bit low-middy.

The only other thing that crossed my mind was during the section of loud, almost chordal 'stabs' with the choir and orchestra, if there had been something slow moving and sort of middle loudness going throughout the section, the stabs might have risen above that rather than disappearing to almost nothing. Do you know what I mean? Might be a bit more climactic that's all. But then, hey, I'm not the composer!

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I had "Problem Loading Page" twice so will return later.
Non rock is fine in this forum, midi & synth orchestral is fine also.
I'll do a Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
My only concern was that for the long intro there was a LOT of space between the melody & the bottom end that wasn't filled in with anything.