Behringer UCA222 and latency

Luca Brasi

New member
Hello all,

I hope I've got this in the right forum.

I'm new to home recording and have discovered (using a latency test I learned of) that I have a latency issue of 27ms using Kristal Audio Engine, an stock onboard soundcard, and ASIO4ALL. I've tweaked the ASIO control panel to get the latency down from 36ms to 27ms.

I am vacillating between getting a new soundcard, the M-Audio Audiophile 2496, or an audio interface, the Behringer UCA222, which is much easier on my wallet. By the way, I'm only planing to record one instrument at a time (in stereo) so multi-track capability is not important.

My question is (and I've searched this forum for an answer to no avail), will the Behringer give me a lower latency number than the soundcard? I know there are a LOT of folks on here with WAY more experience in this than me, so I could sure use your suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

I have both.
The M-Audio Audiophile 2496 is miles ahead of where it should be for $100.
It's an excellent soundcard, limited only by the number of I/Os.
The Behringer thingy will not help you that much with latency or anything else for that matter. (and I'm a Behringer fan)
ideally the Behringer UCA222 would be used to connect something with RCA cables to a a turntable or used with a laptop to monitor with headphones...but as a recording interface it sucks big time...

I suppose if you were just staying "in the box" you'd be OK but that means no vocals or any other external instrument
Hello all,

I hope I've got this in the right forum.

I'm new to home recording and have discovered (using a latency test I learned of) that I have a latency issue of 27ms using Kristal Audio Engine, an stock onboard soundcard, and ASIO4ALL. I've tweaked the ASIO control panel to get the latency down from 36ms to 27ms.

I am vacillating between getting a new soundcard, the M-Audio Audiophile 2496, or an audio interface, the Behringer UCA222, which is much easier on my wallet. By the way, I'm only planing to record one instrument at a time (in stereo) so multi-track capability is not important.

My question is (and I've searched this forum for an answer to no avail), will the Behringer give me a lower latency number than the soundcard? I know there are a LOT of folks on here with WAY more experience in this than me, so I could sure use your suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

27ms or even 36ms of latency isn't an issue
Wow, thanks all! I've seen other threads on here where some folks seemed to like the Behringer and nearly everyone likes the M-Audio soundcard.

I thought the 27ms latency was a problem. My untrained ears certainly cannot hear the difference, but it shows up big time in the wave forms when I zoom in.

I appreciate your input; looks like I'll be going with the soundcard. I thought that an upgraded soundcard might be a better investment in the long run anyway but I've had several people tell me that I should get an audio interface instead.

Wow, thanks all! I've seen other threads on here where some folks seemed to like the Behringer and nearly everyone likes the M-Audio soundcard.

I thought the 27ms latency was a problem. My untrained ears certainly cannot hear the difference, but it shows up big time in the wave forms when I zoom in.

I appreciate your input; looks like I'll be going with the soundcard. I thought that an upgraded soundcard might be a better investment in the long run anyway but I've had several people tell me that I should get an audio interface instead.

Well it will be an improvement, but maybe you should make do with what you've got just now and save for a dedicated interface.
Well it will be an improvement, but maybe you should make do with what you've got just now and save for a dedicated interface.


Well, I thought the Behringer was a dedicated interface. Can you recommend one on the net that I could check out or point me to a primer on what to look for in an AI? I've been learning a bit from the Tweakheadz Lab site and I'm also looking at the M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI Card.



Well, I thought the Behringer was a dedicated interface. Can you recommend one on the net that I could check out or point me to a primer on what to look for in an AI? I've been learning a bit from the Tweakheadz Lab site.



lets face it the behringer is around $25 or $30 bucks, not that I have anything against cheaper gear, but Id want to spend a little more than a couple of beers and a pizza on one of the most important parts of my recording chain ;)

Well, I thought the Behringer was a dedicated interface. Can you recommend one on the net that I could check out or point me to a primer on what to look for in an AI? I've been learning a bit from the Tweakheadz Lab site and I'm also looking at the M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI Card.


It is, but I'm talking about something like the Presonus FP10 (firepod). I wouldn't bother with the M-Audio 7.1. M-Audio are a decent company, but that's not one of their best products.
lets face it the behringer is around $25 or $30 bucks, not that I have anything against cheaper gear, but Id want to spend a little more than a couple of beers and a pizza on one of the most important parts of my recording chain ;)
Yeah definitely. You might as well put that money towards a decent interface.
Yeah definitely. You might as well put that money towards a decent interface.

Good point, but the Presonus FP10 seems to run about $400 which is WAY out of my budget.

Right now the M-Audio 2496 is leading the pack for my bucks, but I found a good deal on an Emu 0404 but I've found mixed reviews on that item, and I found another deal on an Audio Kontrol 1 USB. Does anyone have any experience with those?

Thank you all for your input! This is one great forum and I look forward to contributing in the future!

Like I said, I have both.
There is absolutely no comparison.
The Behringer under performs.
The M Audio card is outstanding value.
The latency specs don't matter one bit if your soundcard can't handle the load and the Behringer can't.
Good point, but the Presonus FP10 seems to run about $400 which is WAY out of my budget.

Right now the M-Audio 2496 is leading the pack for my bucks, but I found a good deal on an Emu 0404 but I've found mixed reviews on that item, and I found another deal on an Audio Kontrol 1 USB. Does anyone have any experience with those?

Thank you all for your input! This is one great forum and I look forward to contributing in the future!

That's why i'm telling you to save for it. Use your sound card for now while you save for something like the FP10.

The M-Audio 2496 will be fine, but you might as well save for something better 'cause it won't be a huge step up from the sound card. It will be better quality, but doesn't allow you to expand at all.
That's why i'm telling you to save for it. Use your sound card for now while you save for something like the FP10.

The M-Audio 2496 will be fine, but you might as well save for something better 'cause it won't be a huge step up from the sound card. It will be better quality, but doesn't allow you to expand at all.


Thanks for your input. I am hesitant to keep going the way I'm going until I can afford the $400 for a FP10. I feel like I'm wasting effort with the latency I'm encountering, however, I'm so new at this I really don't know how much impact it will have.

I'm currently looking at a Native Instrument Audio Kontrol 1. The price for a used one here is about the same as a new M-Audio 2496 soundcard, so I'm weighing the pros and cons of each one.



Thanks for your input. I am hesitant to keep going the way I'm going until I can afford the $400 for a FP10. I feel like I'm wasting effort with the latency I'm encountering, however, I'm so new at this I really don't know how much impact it will have.

I'm currently looking at a Native Instrument Audio Kontrol 1. The price for a used one here is about the same as a new M-Audio 2496 soundcard, so I'm weighing the pros and cons of each one.


If you don't notice the latency, it isn't a problem. The three main problems you could face with latency are that:
  1. the a recording is slightly out of sync with a previous recording, in which case you can simply move it to line up (some programs do this automatically)
  2. if you are monitoring the input as you are playing, the delay can put you off
  3. improper latency settings can cause clicks and pops
These aren't major problems, mainly a source of annoyance.

Thanks for your input. I am hesitant to keep going the way I'm going until I can afford the $400 for a FP10. I feel like I'm wasting effort with the latency I'm encountering, however, I'm so new at this I really don't know how much impact it will have.

I'm currently looking at a Native Instrument Audio Kontrol 1. The price for a used one here is about the same as a new M-Audio 2496 soundcard, so I'm weighing the pros and cons of each one.



Ive been doing this for over a year and Im still nowhere buying or needing a $400 a cheap/used one...pass it on when you outgrow it...
pandamonk and kcearl,

Thanks again for your input. I've just about sold myself on the M-Audio 2496 card. I've downloaded the user manual for it and after reading it feel that it will do what I need at this point in time and remain within my budget.

And thanks to all who've offered their $.02 worth, it's all very much appreciated.

Ive been doing this for over a year and Im still nowhere buying or needing a $400 a cheap/used one...pass it on when you outgrow it...
Haha, you don't realise how much you lose doing it that way. I've been through that and regret it. Maybe something like the TASCAM US-1641 would be fine (~$275).
pandamonk and kcearl,

Thanks again for your input. I've just about sold myself on the M-Audio 2496 card. I've downloaded the user manual for it and after reading it feel that it will do what I need at this point in time and remain within my budget.

And thanks to all who've offered their $.02 worth, it's all very much appreciated.

Hope you're happy with it :)