Behringer UB1204

panoramical said:
One would I actually connect it to my computer?!

As far as connecting to your computer...what kind of soundcard do you have? Give us more details on your setup...
I dont know anything about that soundcard...It appears to have an instrument input and a mic input so it would seem that it has pre's built in. Really you wouldnt need the mixer at all. you have your headphone outs and main stereo outs for monitors....what are you looking for from the mixer?
Hey Panoramical,
I have a UB1204 with the built in fx. some of the fx are ok, but I really don't use them much. Go for the plain one and save money. I use mine to get sound into my Korg D8 from a SM57. Works well.
I haven't used the Yamaha that thaJeremy speaks of, but Yam are good gear and if it's the same price...
PeteMac, thanks for your info. I was going to buy the FX, but you've saved me some bucks ;)
Anyway, would it be possible to output the Behringer into my M-Audio Fast Track via the Headphone port on the Behringer, and into the instrument input on the Fast Track?
Here's my FATHERLY advice dude, save yourself he grie and buy yourself a Yamaha. Just lke in Carpentr, measue twice and cut once. Don't invest in a Behringer that you might have to replace n a year.

Check out the Yamaha MG10/2 or the MG12/4. They're $99 and $199 respecively.
Ok thanks. I thought Behringer were a reputable company...are their products rubbish?

My question about hooking it up to my computer still stands...
A lot of people here don't like Behringer for some reason. I've been using a Behri mixer for over 3 years and have never had a problem with it. I don't use its preamp but everything else works like a charm. Also I wouldn't run the signal out of the headphone jack. Use either the Tape Out or Main Outs. You'll probably have to buy some special cables for them but don't worry, you're local Radio Shack probably has them. If not in the store, on their website. Peace!
People all over this board complain about how Behringer products are crap. It's usually best to avoid them if at all possible.

I'd agree, get a Yamaha board. I did, and I'm happy with it.

Always use a real line out from your board. Headphone outputs are not designed for recording from.
the quality question on Behrenger is valid, they have made some pretty ordinary gear in their time, but remember they are aimed at the budget end of the market. Also Yam. and many other reputable brands have made dodgy products from time to time. My Bere. has done me fine, but you should chek them both out and see what suits you. I'm guessing they will have similar but different features. Yam make good gear. Now, going into a computer sound card or breakout box, there are two sets of balanced outs, the "main" and the "control room", also tape out's and two aux outs; take your pick.
Hope this helps in some way.
Right so...more help needed unfortunately.
Are the main and control outputs on the mixer not R and L each? Because I only have one 1/4 input on my Fast Track. Could I get an adaptor from the tape outs and put that in the fast track, or would that lose quality? Or have I got a huge misunderstanding here?
Should be a 1/4" stereo in. You can RCA the line level out to a RCA to stereo 1/4" adapter.

FWIW I would go with a firewire solution. The Presonus products have exceeded all my expectations.